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For instance, there was the Countess de Santiago's reference to their association on board the Monarchic, which Knight had refrained from mentioning. He had spoken of it after the Countess had gone, to be sure; but briefly, and because it would have seemed odd if he had not done so.

They were flanked by General Wheeler and the Rough Riders, dismounted; eight troops of the First U.S. Volunteers, four troops of the Second U.S. Cavalry, four light batteries, two heavy batteries and then four more troops of the Second U.S. Cavalry. Santiago's Killed and Wounded Compared With Historic Battles. Battle; Men Engaged.; Killed and Wounded.; Per Ct. Lost.

Moss Abrams, had carried off, promising to have the bill "done" by a party with whose intimacy Mr. Abrams was favoured. And it chanced that Strong heard of this transaction at the place where the writings had been drawn, in the back-parlour, namely, of Mr. Santiago's cigar-shop, where the Chevalier was constantly in the habit of spending an hour in the evening. "He is at his old work again," Mr.

The scene of all the stories of this collection is in the Encartaciones, and an examination of a few of them will make us acquainted with the usual range of characters and the author's mode of treatment. Here lived Santiago and Catalina, the latter a foundling whom Santiago's parents had found at their door one winter morning.

But, just the same, I wish I knew they were safe." "Well, what's the matter with our paying them a visit?" queried Billie. "Nix," from Donald. "We'll stay inside the lines. I've had enough of this bush fighting." They approached Santiago's residence, where they had decided to remain until they sailed, when they perceived a peon on a pony standing by the gate.

This, of course, extended to all parts of the country; but I was mistaken in thinking it would increase my leisure, as my time was still kept fully occupied. In one way this was a good thing, as it kept me from brooding over Santiago's story, though even at the busiest times the thought of my father's fate would creep into my mind.

When Billie found himself looking into the muzzle of a rifle in the hands of Santiago, his first impulse was to call out; but the expression on Santiago's face caused him to remain silent.

Her eyes were absent and heavy; they mirrored nothing of the solemn gayety of the morning; they saw only the welts on her brother's back. Dario had not seen her since Santiago's arrival. She had not appeared at supper, and he had slept little in consequence; in fact, he had spent most of the night playing monte with Joaquin and a dozen other young men in the billiard-room.

While we had been fighting, General Miller had rallied the beaten battalions and posted them in a commanding position to cover our ride through the pass. That night in bivouac we counted Santiago's venture had cost us more than two hundred men, all the spare horses, and a quantity of stores. "I hope you are proud of your Royalist friend," said Alzura to me. "He has done us a nice bit of mischief."

A man who has the habit of putting his unlucky name to "promises to pay" at six months, has the satisfaction of knowing, too, that his affairs are known and canvassed, and his signature handed round among the very worst knaves and rogues of London. Mr. Santiago's shop was close by St.