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Hester sat down and folded her hands in her lap, looking so excessively meek that they all had to laugh at her. "Now," said the Queen, "we're gathered here together, my loyal subjects, to listen to, to, what do you call it?" "The Jolly Sandboy," prompted King. "The Jolly Sandbag," said the Queen, misunderstanding. But she was soon put right, and King proceeded to read his paper.

He had two men to tackle, and one had a sandbag, while I guess the other had a pistol." "But you were there. That made it equal." "No," said Harding. "I'd been near knocked out with the sandbag and could hardly keep my feet. Besides, I'd my employers' money in the valise, and it was my business to take care of it." Mrs. Keith made a sign of agreement. "I beg your pardon. You were right."

"Do you know if it wasn't that we've simply got to beat out those other fellows, I'd almost like to see these two sleepies get left. I don't like them a little bit!" "Huh! Ask me if I do. They give me the willies. Never did like them, and ever since they acted so nasty about that accident I just plumb hate 'em. You'd think dad was trying to sandbag them or something like that.

No small interest and conjecture were aroused among the editorial staff as to his exact status, stimulus to gossip being afforded by the rumor that he had been, from Marrineal's privy purse, shifted to the office payroll. Russell Edmonds solved and imparted the secret to Banneker. "Ives? Oh, he's the office sandbag." "Translate, Pop. I don't understand." "It's an invention of Marrineal's.

A dull, crushing blow descended on the top of my skull, and I became oblivious of all things. My return to consciousness was accompanied by tremendous pains in my head, whereby, from previous experience, I knew that a sandbag had been used against me by some one in the shop, presumably by the immobile shopman.

Fairfield's jerk of the head was significant. "And you are fool enough to carry the thing around loose in your pocket. Good heavens, man! Do you know that there are people who would not stick at murder to get a thing like that?" The other laughed easily. "Don't you worry, Fairfield. You're the only person I've shown it to, and I'm not afraid you'll sandbag me." He changed the subject abruptly.

They told me afterward, how, at the moment they were casting off the balloon, the little fellow had torn away from his sisters, ducked under the rope, and deliberately jumped astride the sandbag. It has always been a wonder to me that he was not jerked off in the first rush.

When you generally gouge, kick and sandbag a man into bein' real good, why we say you come the Jack Orde on him." "I see," said Bob, vastly amused at this sidelight on the family reputation. "What would you do here?" "I don't know," replied the riverman, "but I wouldn't lay around and wait." "Why don't some of you fellows go out there and storm the fort, if you feel that way?" asked Bob.

The trench was still traceable ten or twelve paces ahead, and there might be something which looked like the continuation of it a dozen yards farther a line of ancient parapet appeared to be distinguishable there for a short interval. That was certainly the direction. It was the parapet sure enough. There, waterlogged in earth, were the remains of a sandbag barricade built across the trench.

Later they found it lying smashed at the mouth of a shaft there. The Germans fought them from their rat-holes. When a man peered down the dark staircase shaft, he sometimes received a shot from below, sometimes a rifle grenade fired through a hole in a sandbag barricade, which the Germans had made at the bottom of the stair.