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"I dare say they won't come," says Tita, writing. "Why?" "Oh, because they know such lots of people. However, I'll try them, any way." She flings down her pencil. "There, that's done; and now I shall go and have a ride before luncheon." "You have been riding all the morning!" "Yes." "Do you never get tired?" "Never! Come and see if I do." "Well, I'll come," says Rylton.

You said, 'Yes, yes, of course. I heard you; I was listening. I heard every word." "May I ask," says Rylton, "if you did not marry me for my title, what did you marry me for? Not," with a sneer, "for love, certainly." "I should think not," with a sneer on her part that sinks his into insignificance. "I married you to escape from my uncle, who was making me wretched!

Tita makes a little gesture. "Why waste time over it?" says she. "I shall leave you as soon as ever I can. To-morrow. I am afraid it is too late to-night. I should have gone any way, after what you said to me just now " "After what he said to you, you mean!" bursts in Rylton violently, losing all control over his temper. "You were going with him " "Maurice!" Margaret has stepped between them.

She comes forward in a wild, tempestuous fashion, her eyes afire, her nostrils dilated! Her beautiful red hair seems alight as she descends upon Lady Rylton. "And that marriage!" says she, in a suffocating tone. "Who made it? Who?" She looks like a fury.

"She is very naturally unhinged; and she has been told " "By my mother?" "Yes. That was unfortunate. She Tessie your mother," hastily, "should not have told her." "After all, I'm glad she did," says Rylton warmly. "What does it matter? And, at all events, it makes the thing clear to Tita.

There is a certain excitement in the adventure. As for Maurice, he is no doubt in your eyes a demigod in mine," with infinite contempt, "he is a man." "Well, I hope you will keep to all that," says Lady Rylton, who is shrewd as she is cruel, "and that you will not interfere with this marriage I have arranged for Maurice." "Why would I interfere?" "Because you interfere always.

"There is always a question," says she, smiling still, "between friends and foes, then why not between lovers?" She lingers over the word, and, stooping her graceful head, runs her lips lightly across the hand that is holding her right arm. A shiver runs through Rylton. Is she true or false? But, however it goes, how exquisite she is!

But for that 'infernal money, you would never have dreamed of marrying me, and now that it is gone gone " She pauses. "Oh," sharply, "I am glad it is gone! It opens for me a way to leave you!" Rylton strides forward, and seizes her by both her arms. "Supposing I don't let you go!" says he.

Shall I," smiling at him in her beautiful way, and laying one hand upon his breast "shall I advise you, too?" "Yes, yes," says Rylton; he takes the hand lying on his breast and lifts it to his lips. "Advise me." "Ah, no!" She pauses, a most eloquent pause, filled with a long deep glance from her dark eyes. "There, go!" she says, suddenly pushing him from her.

Her charming face loses suddenly all its vivacity; she looks a little sad, a little forlorn. "There is very little to know," says Rylton hurriedly, touched by her expression. "But you said you spoke of my conduct!" "Well, and is there nothing to be said of that? This cousin " He stops, and then goes on abruptly: "Why does he call you Titania?" "Oh, it is an old name for me!"