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"No. I have done all that tradition allows." "Then his fate and ours is in the hands of the Lords." Tarlac gave up his pretense of reading and looked at them. "Then let's just hope they know what they're doing. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but it was a little hard to avoid." "Understood," Yarra said. "Ruesten, I did not mean that I lack confidence in you but I am concerned." Tarlac shrugged.

Yarra's arms enfolded him, feeling him as vulnerable as any newborn. "We know, ruesten," she said. "We know. You have brought honor to the clan, and you will bring more. Rest now, Steve." After composing the message he hoped Hovan would never have to read, Tarlac found that the rest of the day went . . . smoothly. That was the only word he could think of.

"Ruesten, you have won the Honor scars; what problem can you have so serious that it requires my intervention?" "Ka'ruchaya, it is a matter of adoption." "Ah, I see. Go on." Joste did as he was told, describing the human's torment, memory loss, and what the female Marine had told him. "Maybe he was being honest when he said the females volunteered for combat.

"Ruesten, the Lords must truly favor you, to teach you Language, then grant a girl child to the clan on your first sharing of bodies. That is a thing of joy, for all of us." "Yes, but " "No buts, ruhar," Hovan said. "Are you concerned that she is half human? That does not matter." He turned to Yarra and Daria. "Ka'ruchaya, may I show him?" Yarra nodded. "If Daria permits." "Go ahead," Daria said.

I took my oath as a Ranger of the Empire first, and that obligation will always be first for me." "Yes, I English speak," Yarra replied, "and I your reservation understand. I that expected, in one Hovan would worthy of adoption find. You must, of course, that first oath first honor." She smiled, and raised him to his feet. "I will to you later speak, ruesten. Now come.

"We can expect no more," Yarra said, smiling. "You carried out your trust as well as I was sure you would, Hovan. You have my thanks." Hovan accepted the compliment with pleasure, then asked anxiously, "Have my n'ka'ruhar and our n'esten left yet?" Yarra nodded reassuringly. "Do not concern yourself, ruesten.

"I cannot argue, ruesten," Yarra said calmly. "I do trust you, but truly not as I trust one who has earned Honor scars." Tarlac traded glances with Hovan, remembering the precaution he'd taken against failure. It might work, it might not.

His pretended absorption in a document that their own news showed held only the one item of interest couldn't mislead his Clan Mother and his sponsor. "Ka'ruchaya . . ." Hovan said hesitantly. "I know, ruesten. The Lords burden him beyond what most are asked to endure." "Even more than you know, Ka'ruchaya, and it troubles me.

Instead she bowed to him, formally. "Your courage and success in returning unaided bring much honor to the clan, ruesten. Let our thanks for that welcome you home." Her gesture and words were formal, but her tone held warmth and true pleasure. Tarlac returned the bow, answering with equal formality and just as much warmth. "It is good to be home, Ka'ruchaya.

Yarra returned his greeting, then said, "We have a new ruesten, Cor'naya?" "Yes, Ka'ruchaya. Esteban Tarlac, called Steve." Hovan gave her a brief yet complete account of everything that had happened since Steve had come aboard, finishing, "He has much to learn, Ka'ruchaya, and he may make mistakes, but he is true Ch'kara. He will not dishonor the clan."