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In the course of these last few months of active costermongery, of transactions in early peas and new potatoes, spring-cabbage and ripe strawberries, he had acquired not only an insight into commerce but apparently an intimate knowledge of every street in London, and a very fair acquaintance with its celebrities; meaning thereby its real celebrities its sportsmen, patrons of the Prize Ring, cricketers, rowing-men, billiard-players, jockeys what not?

"Yes, with a revolver, whoever you are. I nearly drew trigger, and you not two yards away." "Oh!" said the stranger, with a gasp. "It is foolish nonsense, and you have frightened away my rowing-men. Don't you know me?" "No." "I am a stranger. I come out in the forest to-night to collect the beautiful moths butterflies, you call them. I have some in this case."

"But such fun and such a rum crowd you never saw! Why, there are cowboys, ranchers, prospectors, coppers, ex-sheriffs, sailors, mine-owners, men from every college in the country, tennis champions, football-players, rowing-men, polo-players, planters, African explorers, big-game hunters, ex-revenue-officers, and Indian-fighters, besides any number of others who have led the wildest kinds of life, all chock-full of stories, and ready to fire 'em off at a touch of the trigger.

I believe this is the longest uninterrupted stretch anywhere above Teddington, and the Oxford Club make use of it for their trial eights. But however satisfactory this absence of locks may be to rowing-men, it is to be regretted by the mere pleasure-seeker. For myself, I am fond of locks. They pleasantly break the monotony of the pull.