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They reach San Demetrio by a two or even three days' drive over Rossano, Corigliano, and Vaccarizza. He became convinced, however, that for some reason or other I was hungry, and thereupon good-naturedly conducted me to various places where wine and other necessities of life were procured.

There were to be no more public meetings, and the sufferer was seriously warned against all stress of emotion. "We have had great difficulty," said Miss Rossano, "in bringing him to reason. The enthusiasm of last night's meeting has convinced him that a great uprising is near at hand, and that in a year or two at the outside Italy will have her freedom back again.

It was the second time as I was in the house, sir, and when Miss Rossano came out to give me the answer, she saw as it was me, and she asks me in; and there was the count, sir, a-sitting in the parlor.

We have encountered no difficulty, and run no dangers." "But," said Brunow, in his lightest and airiest fashion, as if he disclaimed credit in the very act of claiming it, "I need hardly tell Miss Rossano that in fulfilling the commission we accepted at her hands we should have been delighted to encounter either. As it was we had the most extraordinary good-fortune in the world.

He communicated by stealth with the emperor, told him of his recognition, and arranged with him a plan of escape. In pursuance of this he told the Greeks that their captive was a chamberlain of the emperor, a statement which Otho confirmed, and added that he had valuable treasures at Rossano, which, if they would sail thither, they might take on board as his ransom.

Liberty, my dear Miss Rossano, will restore your father to health, and he will not lose his share of the glory." We English always excuse a foreigner who shows a tendency to bombast in conversation; and allowing for her partial knowledge of the language, and for the oratorical turn her people have, I saw nothing overstrained in the little woman's raptures.

The messenger I despatched knew Scarfell House, and told me that it had been bought by General Sir Arthur Rollinson a dozen years ago, but had lately been very rarely used, though an old house-keeper and a general servant were always left in charge of the place. The man came back in an hour, and to my annoyance and surprise told me that Miss Rossano had left at an early hour that morning.

And the life of those old monks of Saint Basil, as we now know it, represented a veritable renaissance of art and letters. Of the ten Basilean convents that grew up in the surroundings of Rossano the most celebrated was that of S. M. del Patir.

"They was that kind between 'era and that nice way with it I didn't know whether I was a-standing on my head or my heels. And then the count he says something to Miss Rossano in his own lingo language, I should ha' said, sir, begging your pardon and Miss Rossano she answers him back again, and they get a-talking till there was tears in both their eyes, sir.

And says Miss Rossano, 'Father, she says, 'here's the faithful man, she says, 'as treated you so kind when you was in prison along with them blooming Austrians, she says; and the count he gets up in his grand way, and he shakes me by the hand, with his other hand on my shoulder.