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"Well, sir," he answered, "I know it isn't right in my place to be talking, but there's Miss Rossano, sir " I turned rather sharply round on him at the mention of that name, and Hinge, standing at attention, saluted. "No harm meant, sir," he said, "and I 'ope, sir, there's no offence. But I took a letter from you to Miss Rossano, sir, last Wednesday week.

From this book by de Rosis, printed in 1838, I gleaned two facts, firstly, that the city of Rossano is now 3663 years old quite a respectable age, as towns go and lastly, that in the year 1500 it had its own academy of lettered men, who called themselves "I spensierati," with the motto Non alunt curai an echo, no doubt, of the Neapolitan renaissance under Alfonso the Magnificent.

There was the Archbishop of Rossano, afterwards Pope Urban VII, as plenipotentiary from Rome; there was Charles of Aragon, Duke of Terranova, supported by five councillors, as ambassador from his Catholic Majesty; there were the Duke of Aerschot, the Abbot of Saint Gertrude, the Abbot of Marolles, Doctor Bucho Aytta, Caspar Schetz, Lord of Grobbendonck, that learned Frisian, Aggeus van Albada, with seven other wise men, as envoys from the states-general: There were their Serene Highnesses the Elector and Archbishops of Cologne and Treves, with the Bishop of Wurtzburg.

I lose no moment in coming here to pay my homage to the disinterested valor which gave my compatriot his freedom, I am, sir," he bowed and extended his hands with a smiling humility "I am, sir, this many years a pensioner on the bounty of Miss Rossano. She knows me as a comrade of the father whom she has always until now thought of as lost to her.

Now listen, all of you, 'e says, 'for these is the final instructions." I moved again, half rising from my seat, but Hinge waved a protesting hand against me. "For God's sake, sir, don't 'urry me! I'm at it now, and you shall have it all in half a minute, sir. 'It's like this, says Sacovitch; 'we know, he says, 'that Miss Rossano has drawn that forty thousand pounds.

It is a poor way of offering thanks to burden you with a new trouble." "If I have done anything to save you from grief or trouble, Miss Rossano," I replied, "I can ask for no better reward than to be allowed to repeat my service."

But if you think that in betraying the man who has usurped my place I betray my cause, you are very much mistaken. So long as Count Rossano is at liberty, it is not worth your while to trap so inconsiderable a person as myself. When once he is in your hands I shall be a great deal too wise to give you the chance of seizing me.

Italy wins; and I desire Italy to win. I will help you to your Count Rossano if you want him, and if you will pay me for it, because I hate him, and because he is in my way. But Italy wins, all the same." There was a candor about this which I could appreciate, but Sacovitch turned upon his purchased traitor with something very like a snarl.

"You are possessed of mine," he answered. "Permit me that I shake hands. I read in your English Times this morning of the arrival of the Conte di Rossano. I have seen my friend, and, so far as I know, I am the only survivor of the enterprise in which he lost his liberty.

Byzantinism Saint Nilus; that gave me the desired opportunity, and I mentioned the object of my visit. "The history of Rossano? Well, well! The secretary of the municipality does me too much honour. But stay! I have something of more modern date, in which you will find these ancient authors conveniently classified."