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At the paddock gate they halted, and the old man concluded: 'I could not have wished a better man for her, Anthony. Mabbe the Lord'll not be minded to spare me much longer. After I'm gone Rosa'll hev all I possess. She was my poor brother Isaac's only child. After her mother was taken, he, poor fellow, went altogether to the bad, and until she came here she mostly lived among strangers.

"But none of you'd have to" assured Gwendolyn. "When I was at Johnnie Blake's that once, just Potter went, and Rosa, and Cook. And Rosa buttoned my dresses and gave me my bath, and " "So Rosa'll do just as well as me," interrupted Jane, jealously. " And Potter passed the dishes at table," resumed Gwendolyn, ignoring the remark; "and he never hurried the best-tasting ones."

And if Rosa here wasn't the great, strong lass she is, I don't know how her old uncle'd manage; and he turned to the girl with a proud, tremulous smile. 'Will ye tak my arm a bit, Mr. Blencarn? Miss Rosa'll be tired, likely, Anthony asked. 'Nay, Mr. Garstin, but I can manage nicely, the girl interrupted sharply. Anthony looked up at her as she spoke.

'An old chap wi' married daughters! 'Huh! says the Second. 'They're aye the wurrs't. But I'm glad ye punched him, mister, he says. 'Many a time I'd ha' done the same, only we were on articles. Rosa, too! "'Ay, says the Chief, 'but Rosa'll have to put up with men clawin' her now.