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In their presence, we could not realize at once that Ronda itself was a mountain, a mere mighty mass of rock, cleft in twain, with chasmal depths where we saw pygmy men and mules creeping out upon the valley that stretched upward to the foot of the Sierra.

And wherefore did they take thee a captive from that place, And who has given thee liberty, thy homeward path to trace?" "Yes, I will tell thee, gentle wife, and I will tell thee true, For tender is the light I see within thine eyes of blue. In Ronda did my father raise his castle on the height; And 'twas in Antequera first my mother saw the light.

The long white front of the city, facing the East, glowed with a bright rosy lustre, on a ground of the clearest blue. The tongue of land on which Cadiz stands is low, but the houses are lifted by the heavy sea-wall which encompasses them. The main-land consists of a range of low but graceful hills, while in the south-east the mountains of Ronda rise at some distance.

On the whole, perhaps, his autocratic rule was a beneficent one, and contributed to the happiness of the little northern suburb of Ronda over which it extended. At all events, he was a watchful guardian of his flock, and knew every face in his parish. It thus happened one morning that a strange woman, who had come quietly into church to pray, attracted his attention as he passed out after matins.

They are yours." "I am your slave; I will do your bidding, and ask nothing in return but your approval." "Nothing! You grow singularly self-denying, Señor Benito." "The señora will really help me?" said Benito, now cringing and obsequious. "One small favour, then. I am tired of this wandering life. Here to-day in Cadiz; Ronda, Malaga, to-morrow.

Toward the Casa de Campo several brown, bare knolls stood out, topped by two or three pines that looked as if they had been cut out and pasted upon the blue atmosphere. From Las Vistillas Manuel walked down to the Ronda de Segovia. As he sauntered along Aguila Street he noticed that Senor Ignacio's place was still closed. Manuel went into the house and asked in the patio for Salome.

The rich pasturage of the valley of Ronda produced a breed of horses famous for strength and speed; no cavalry, therefore, was better mounted than the band of Gomeres. Rapid on the march, fierce in the attack, it would sweep down upon the Andalusian plains like a sudden blast from the mountains, and pass away as suddenly before there was time for pursuit.

One Saturday night, as they were walking homewards along the Ronda, Leandro drew near to Manuel. "Do you know whether Milagros talks to Lechuguino?" "Haven't you heard that they were going to get married?" "Yes; so folks say." "What would you do in my case?" "I ... I'd find out." "And suppose it proved to be true?" Manuel was silent. They walked along without a word.

Only last week the Dowager Countess of La Ronda, the richest woman in Spain, was taken by these ruffians in the passes as she was journeying from King Joseph's Court to visit her grandson. She is now a prisoner in the Abbey, and is only protected by her 'Grandmotherhood, I suggested. 'Her power of paying a ransom, said Massena.

They found, however, that the evils still went on increasing in defiance of every change, and were at their wits' end to devise some new combination or arrangement by which an efficient government might be wrought out of two bad kings. When the tidings arrived of the fall of Ronda, and the consequent ruin of the frontier, a tumultuous assemblage took place in one of the public squares.