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Lord Risborough married the girl student, Ella Hooper, and never regretted it. They had one daughter, to whom they devoted themselves preposterously, their friends thought; but for twenty years, they were three happy people together.

Tinkler' that's the maid 'says she always smokes two before she goes to bed. Then I spoke to Tinkler whose manner to me, I consider, is not at all what it should be and she said that Connie smoked three cigarettes a day always that Lady Risborough smoked that all the ladies in Rome smoked that Connie began it before her mother died and her mother didn't mind "

By which she meant to express without harshness towards the memory of Lady Risborough how lamentable it was that, in addition to being christened, vaccinated and confirmed, Constance had not also been "presented" at the proper moment.

She had quite forgotten a wind-fall which had come lately some complicated transaction relating to a great industrial company in which she had shares and which had lately been giving birth to other subsidiary companies, and somehow the original shareholders, of whom Lord Risborough had been one, or their heirs and representatives, had profited greatly by the business.

And Lady Risborough had chattered and smiled her way through the Master's lonely house he had only just been appointed head of his college and was then unmarried leaving a deep impression. "I must make friends with her," he thought, following Ella Risborough's daughter with his eyes. "There are some gaps to fill up." He meant in the circle of his girl protégées.

Sorell's going to coach the young man, or something. They're to be paying guests, for a month at least. Mr. Powell was Mr. Sorell's college tutor and Mr. Powell's dreadfully poor so I'm glad. No wife, mercifully! "Anyway, you see, there are plenty of people about. Do come. "I am, dear Constance, Your affectionate aunt, MARCIA RISBOROUGH."

Nor did the afternoon visit, when the Risboroughs, with great difficulty, had made time for the family call on the Hoopers, supply any more agreeable memories. Ella Risborough had been so rapturously glad to see her brother, and in spite of a real effort to be friendly had had so little attention to spare for his wife!

As for Lord Risborough, he had frankly found it difficult to remember Mrs. Hooper's identity, while on the other hand he fell at once into keen discussion of some recent finds in the Greek islands with Ewen Hooper, to whom in the course of half an hour it was evident that he took a warm liking.

And the only reason why they're better is that Uncle Risborough left us some money, and Connie's come to live here. And you and mother do nothing but say horrid things about her, behind her back!" She looked at her sister with accusing eyes. But Alice tossed her head, and declared she wasn't going to be lectured by her younger sister.

At Rome he had fallen in with the Risboroughs, and had wandered with them during a whole spring through enchanted land of Sicily, where it gradually became bearable again to think of the too-many things he knew, and to apply them to his own pleasure and that of his companions. Ella Risborough was then forty-two, seventeen years older than himself, and her only daughter was a child of sixteen.