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For immediate financial relief Porter knew that he must look to Lucretia no other horse in his stable was ready to win; but more immediately he must arrange certain money matters with his banker, who was Philip Crane. To Porter, Crane had been a tolerant financier, taking the man's honesty liberally as a security; not but what Ringwood had been called upon as a tangible asset.

Thoroughly distrusting Lauzanne, embittered by his cowardice, Porter had given him away but to Allis. Strangely enough, the girl had taken a strong liking to the son of Lazzarone; it may have been because of the feeling that she was indirectly responsible for his presence at Ringwood. Allis Porter's perceptions had been developed to an extraordinary degree.

Then I carried off the money and buried it, since which time I have never touched it. It has been a curse to me. This is all I have to say now." I turned to Mr. Bannatine and said: "I have now done all that I can do in this matter, I think." "Yes, you have completed your task, and the law must now take its course," he replied. "Mr. Ringwood, you had better take charge of Mr. Drysdale."

For generations it had been slowly descending in the scale of worldly account, and the small portion of the house occupied by the widow and daughter of sir Ringwood Vaughan was larger than their means could match with correspondent outlay.

Porter had come to have the utmost confidence in Crane's friendship and ability; he was the one above all others to have Diablo taken off their hands. So Philip Crane, to his intense delight, was summoned to Ringwood. This was his first knowledge of Porter's mishap, for he had been in New York.

"Ah!" said Hoopdriver, glancing at her out of the corners of his eyes. "And even then " "No! It's not much good. I'm beginning too late." And there, in blankly thoughtful silence, that conversation ended. At Ringwood they lunched, and Jessie met with a disappointment. There was no letter for her at the post office.

Both opened their eyes at this, and stared at Alleyne with as much amazement as he had shown at them. "You have a fine trick of ear then," said one. "We have long wished to meet such a man. Wilt join us and jog on to Ringwood? Thy duties shall be light, and thou shalt have two-pence a day and meat for supper every night."

'A skipping bishop is worse than a skipping king. Once also he had been overheard murmuring to himself by way of consolement, 'Bishops pass; the church remains. He had been a great friend of the late sir Ringwood; and although the distance from his parish was too great to be travelled often, he seldom let a year go by without paying a visit to his friend's widow and daughter.

'And a hush came over the clamorous mob; Like a babe on his neck I was sobbing. She's cleverer than her father." Crane sat for an hour. Porter had vanished from the landscape, but still the Banker's thoughts clung to his personality as though the peeping eyes saw nothing else. From the time of the first loan obtained upon Ringwood, Crane had coveted the place.

Its dark shaggy sides, protuberant back and bushy head, were quite perceptible as it careered swiftly onward, seemingly flying from some danger behind. "Down, Ringwood! Jowler!" exclaimed Glenn, preparing to fire. "Down, Joe, too," said Joe, slipping down from his pony, preferring not to risk another fall, and likewise preparing to fire.