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Vasari is probably accurate in his statement here; for we shall see that Michelangelo, in his Ricordi, makes mention of five assistants, two of whom are proved by other documents to have been Granacci and Indaco. We also possess two letters from Granacci which show that Bugiardini, San Gallo, Angelo di Donnino, and Jacopo l'Indaco were engaged in July.

Strangely enough there are no letters or Ricordi in his handwriting which bear the date 1534. When we come to deal with this year, 1534, we learn from Michelangelo's own statement to Vasari that he was in Florence during the summer, and that he reached Rome two days before the death of Clement VII., i.e., upon September 23.

On this point the Relazioni of Italian ambassadors are invaluable. What dryly philosophical compendia are the notes of Machiavelli upon the French Court and Cesare Borgia! How astute are the Venetian letters on the opinions and qualities of the Roman Prelates! Guicc. Ricordi, cciii. Op. Ined. vol. i. p. 229. The year 1300 marks the first development of historical research in Florence.

We conclude, then, that Michelangelo thought of dismissing Stefano, but feared lest he should get into trouble with the powerful political party, followers of Savonarola, who bore the name of Piagnoni at Florence. Gondi must have patched the quarrel up, for we still find Stefano's name in the Ricordi down to April 4, 1524.

Ricordi politici e civili, No. 118, Op. Ined. vol. i. See De Stendhal, Histoire de la peinture en Italie, pp. 285-91, for a curious catalogue of examples. The modern sense of honor is based, no doubt, to some extent on a delicate amour propre, which makes a man desirous of winning the esteem of his neighbors for its own sake.

The present fortune of Venice, the lamentable difference, is most easily measured there, and that is why, in the effort to resist our pessimism, we must turn away both from the purchasers and from the vendors of <I>ricordi</I>. The <I>ricordi</I> that we prefer are gathered best where the gondola glides best of all on the noble waterway that begins in its glory at the Salute and ends in its abasement at the railway station.

In the Ricordi, which run from April 9 to August 19, 1521, he says that on April 9 he received two hundred ducats from the Cardinal de’ Medici to go to Carrara and lodge there, to quarry marbles for the tombs which are to be placed in the new sacristy at San Lorenzo. "And there I stayed about twenty days and made out drawings to scale, and measured models in clay for the said tombs."

Arch. Stor. xvi. 102. See my Sketches in Italy and Greece, p. 84. Cinque Canti, ii. 5. Ricordi Politici, ccxlii. In the history of Italian despotism two points of first-rate importance will demand attention. The first is the process by which the greater tyrannies absorbed the smaller during the fourteenth century.

She received a diploma when leaving the Institute. Her picture, "Mendica," was exhibited in Naples, 1886; "Un ultimo Squardo" and "Sogno," 1888. In London, in 1888, "Tipo Napoletano," "Studio dal vero," and "Ricordi" were exhibited.

Stor. vol. iv. part 2, p. 318. For the avarice of Guicciardini, see Varchi, vol. i. p. 318. His Ricordi Politici amply justify the second, though not the first, clause of this sentence. See Varchi, book xii.