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The rats she changed into chipmunks. Now the only horrid creatures remaining were the four great spiders, which hid themselves behind their thick webs. "There!" Reera cried, "now my cottage presents a more comfortable appearance. I love the toads and lizards and rats, because most people hate them, but I would tire of them if they always remained the same.

I can make them turtles, or cute little sea-horses; or I could make them piglets, or rabbits, or guinea-pigs; or, if you like I can make chickens of them, or eagles, or bluejays." "Let them alone!" repeated Ervic. "You're not a very pleasant visitor," laughed Red Reera. "People accuse me of being cross and crabbed and unsociable, and they are quite right.

"I caught them in the Lake of the Skeezers." "What do you intend to do with the fishes?" "I shall carry them to the home of a friend of mine who has three children. The children will love to have the fishes for pets." She came over to the bench and looked into the kettle, where the three fishes were swimming quietly in the water. "They're pretty," said Reera.

So, friend Skeezer, I shall perform the transformation whether you like it or not." Ervic seated himself on the bench again, a deep scowl on his face but joy in his heart. Reera moved over to the cupboard, took something from the drawer and returned to the copper kettle.

He thought that if he managed to remain in the cottage, and Reera fell asleep, he could slyly open the cupboard, take a portion of whatever was in the drawer, and by dropping it into the copper kettle transform the three fishes into their natural shapes. Indeed, he had firmly resolved to carry out this plan when the Yookoohoo put down her knitting and walked toward the door.

The songs were entertaining and Ervic enjoyed listening to them. In an hour or so the bird stopped singing, tucked its head under its wing and went to sleep. Reera continued knitting but seemed thoughtful. Now Ervic had marked this cupboard drawer well and had concluded that Reera took something from it which enabled her to perform her transformations.

So that I may appear properly at the banquet table I intend, in honor of this occasion, to take upon myself my natural shape." Scarcely had she finished this speech when Reera transformed herself into a young woman fully as lovely as the three Adepts.

They would not consent to be my slaves especially if they were Adepts at Magic and so they would command me to obey them. No, Mistress Reera, let us not transform the fishes at all." The Skeezer had put his case with remarkable cleverness.

"I'm going out for a few minutes," said she; "do you wish to go with me, or will you remain here?" Ervic did not answer but sat quietly on his bench. So Reera went out and closed the cottage door. As soon as she was gone, Ervic rose and tiptoed to the cupboard. "Take care! Take care!" cried several voices, coming from the kittens and chipmunks. "If you touch anything we'll tell the Yookoohoo!"

Do not be afraid of anything you see, for however you seem to be threatened with dangers, nothing can harm you. The cottage is the home of a powerful Yookoohoo, named Reera the Red, who assumes all sorts of forms, sometimes changing her form several times in a day, according to her fancy. What her real form may be we do not know.