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Again and again, one of the red-skins would make a lunge over the side of his animal, as though he were going to plunge headlong into the earth; but, catching his toe over the spine of his horse, he would sustain himself apparently by no other means, while he kept up his fusilade.

But though born of the race you love so little, my worst enemy, not even a lying Mingo, would dare to say that I ever laid hands on the goods of another, except such as were taken in manful warfare; or that I ever coveted more ground than the Lord has intended each man to fill." "And yet my brother has come among the Red-skins to find a son?"

Never think to tarry here, my men; never think to shut an eye in a camp, through which the devil walks as openly as if he were a gentleman, and sure of his welcome. Here, you Abner, Enoch, Jesse, where ar' ye gotten to? Put to, put to; if that weak-minded, soft-feeling man, your father, eats or drinks again in this neighbourhood, we shall see him poisoned with the craft of the Red-skins.

The news was brought to the commanding officer, who immediately ordered Major Arms, of the Tenth Cavalry which, by the way, was a negro regiment, with his company and one mountain howitzer, to go in pursuit of the red-skins, and I was sent along with the expedition as scout and guide.

It was the morning after the burning of the Lelands' home, which of course was unknown to them. For a few moments the boat glided rapidly down the stream, when Whiteman spoke: "Where'd you put up last night, Leslie?" "About ten miles down the river. I ran in under the bank and had an undisturbed night's rest?" "Didn't hear nothin' of the red-skins?" "No."

"Yes, it's all that, and a great companion have I found my Bible, when I've been alone with the bees out here in the openings. It tells us of our God, Chippewa; and teaches us how we are to please him, and how we may offend. It's a great loss to you red-skins not to have such a book among you." "Med'cine-man bring him don't do much good, yet; some day, p'r'aps, do better.

These two Indians led us down to the bed of the river, and actually carried us beneath the bridge, on the side of the river next the guard, where we found a party of about thirty of these red-skins, men, women and children. Here we stayed no less than three days; faring extremely well, having fish, bread, butter, and other common food.

A clear moon lit up the prairie all round, so that they could see its undulating sweep in every direction. "Anything wrong, Antoine?" asked Dan in a low voice, when they were out of earshot of the camp. "Nothing wrong, Dan." "Surely," continued the other, while Dechamp paused as if in perplexity, "surely there can be no chance of Red-skins troubling us on a clear night like this.

The red-skins shrank from her steady advance, and when her hand was stretched out between them and their young victim, they uttered a howl of alarm, and fled as if a host of their foemen were on their track. Gabriel was saved, but all his life he was doomed to bear that halo of martyrdom, the circling sweep of the scalper's knife. He was a Jesuit.

"I have sold the pony for more than I gave for him; for the red-skins have been keeping away from the fort of late, and the folks going by are always wanting horses in place of those that have died on the way. The other things all sold for a good bit more than we gave for them at Denver. Carriage comes mighty high on these plains; besides, the trader took his chances and reckoned them in."