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Ben was about to fire, but Jerry said: "Best leave him alone, Ben; we are only three miles down, and these cliffs would echo the sound and the red-skins would hear it and know that some of us had gone down the valley, and might make a rush at once."

"It's a serious thing," said Little Bill, musing gravely, "to charge a man with tryin' to kill another man, if that's all you've got to tell, for you know it's a way the Red-skins have of always glidin' about as if they was for ever after mischief."

"Out wi' the yarn, old boy." "Ay, an' don't spin it too tight, or, faix, ye'll burst the strands," cried Larry O'Neil, who, during the last half-hour, had been listening, open-mouthed, to the marvellous anecdotes of grizzlies and red-skins, with which the hunter entertained his audience.

I asked, with as much of an air of indifference as I could assume. "Are they out in sufficient numbers to eat the French?" "Look at leaves; count 'em;" answered the Indian. "Yes, I know they are in force; but, what are the red-skins about? Is the hatchet buried, among the Six Nations, that you are satisfied with being a runner, when scalps may be had near Ticonderoga?"

"'Waal, he said, 'I have given you warning, that is all. "'All right, says I, 'I don't care none for your warnings; and I would rather anyhow be shot down by white skunks dressed up as red-skins, than I would have a hand in helping to fool a lot of innercent women. "He swore pretty bad at this, but I could see as he wasn't real grit, and he went off to the waggons.

As for the rapids, they don't often begin until you are some little distance in. At any rate we shall not have to go far, for the red-skins will not dare to enter the canon, so we can tie up till morning as soon as we are a short distance in. We have got to run the gauntlet of their fire, but after all that is better than taking our chances by leaving the boats.

"Fush!" returned the husband; "Allen is good for a dozen Indians, and there are plenty more of us to help him. But don't you be scared; the red-skins know us too well to risk a fight. They'll only prowl around and steal a little beef, and shoot at a fellar unaware, from under kiver that's all they'll venter on you can depend on that!"

"We thought you were some hundred feet under the snow, with all the red-skins, the White Dogs, and Flintheads, and none of us ever expected to see you again, that we did not, let me tell you; but it won't make us less glad to find you come to life again. How is it you are here? Tell us." In reply, I gave them a rapid sketch of my escape and adventures, and inquired anxiously after my friends.

Owato Wanisha will guide our warriors, he will preside in council, for two gods are with him the Manitou of the Pale-faces and the Manitou of the Red-skins. "Hear my words, Shoshones! I shall soon join my father and grandfather in the happy lands, for I am old.

"Then wot I advise is that we gallop to the broken sand hillocks ye see yonder, get behind them an' take a peep at the Red-skins. If they are Pawnees we'll go up to them at once; if not, we'll hold a council o' war on the spot." Having arranged this they mounted and hastened towards the hillocks in question, which they reached after ten minutes' gallop, at full stretch.