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We descried three red-deer on the banks of the river and were about to send the best marksmen after them when they espied the party and ran away. A supply of meat would have been very seasonable as the men's provision had become scanty and the dogs were without food except a little burnt leather.

For a time your head was filled with romance Highland chieftains, and gillies, and red-deer, and baronial halls, and all that stuff; and no doubt you persuaded that young man that you believed in the whole thing fervently, and there was no end to the names you called theatres and everybody connected with them.

We passed the remains of two red-deer lying at the bases of perpendicular cliffs from the summits of which they had probably been forced by the wolves. These voracious animals, who are inferior in speed to the moose or red-deer, are said frequently to have recourse to this expedient in places where extensive plains are bounded by precipitous cliffs.

Sir Philip Egerton also informs me both as to red-deer and fallow-deer that, in fighting, they suddenly dash together, and getting their horns fixed against each other's bodies, a desperate struggle ensues. When one is at last forced to yield and turn round, the victor endeavours to plunge his brow antlers into his defeated foe.

On the horns of red-deer, Owen, 'British Fossil Mammals, 1846, p. 478; Richardson on the horns of the reindeer, 'Fauna Bor. Americana, 1829, p. 240. I am indebted to Prof. Hon. But this author overlooks the pitched battles between rival males. As I felt much perplexed about the use or advantage of the branches, I applied to Mr.

This latter contingency has often been observed in Scotland with female red-deer, as I am informed by Sir Philip Egerton and others. Mr. Exactly the same thing occurs with seals; see Mr. It is scarcely possible that much should be known about female quadrupeds in a state of nature making any choice in their marriage unions. Mr. J.A. Allen in 'Bull. Mus. Comp.

The path of every star is fixed and limited, every plant bears flowers and fruit which in form and color exactly resemble their kind, and in all the fundamental characteristics of their qualities and dispositions, of their instinctive bent and external impulse, all animals of the same species resemble each other; thus, the hunter who knows the red-deer in his father's forest, may know in every forest on earth how the stag will behave in any given case.

I have been told that red-deer were introduced, ut that the experiment failed; probably the country was too not and damp.

Their number was very great, and from a desperate stand which they made, with the tallest of the red-deer stags arranged in front, in a sort of battle-array, gazing on the group which barred their passage down the glen, the more experienced sportsmen began to augur danger. The work of destruction, however, now commenced on all sides.

What wonderful scenes he must have viewed when they were all a tangle of wild flowers, and plants that are now scarce were common, and the old ploughs, and the curious customs, and the wild red-deer it would make a good picture, it really would, Gerard studying English orchids! Such a volume! hundreds of pages, yellow of course, close type, and marvellously well printed.