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"There are four pin-heads in this camp," was Tom Reade's decision, when he heard the report brought back by the others. "Only two of us have brains enough to see anything that's written right on the face of the earth." "But what are we going to do about our man?" asked Greg. "That's what we must figure out," Dick replied.

Soon Reade's watch was a lonely one, for most of his companions were either snoring or breathing heavily. "Whoever got this trick up will have to think of something newer and more 'scary," thought Reade, as he paced the floor. "Well, you fellows might as well wake up," called Dick, after what seemed to Greg like an interval of possibly five minutes.

Trust unprejudiced and friendly eyes and drop it altogether." Although Mrs. Seymour was naturally prejudiced where Charles Reade's work was concerned, she only spoke the truth, pardonably exaggerated, about the part of Philippa Chester. I know no part which is a patch on it for effectiveness; yet there is little in it of the stuff which endures.

From 1852 until his death, which occurred on April 11, 1884, Reade's life is mainly a catalogue of novels and dramas. Like many of Charles Reade's works, "Hard Cash, a Matter-of-Fact Romance," is a novel with a purpose, and was written with the object of exposing abuses connected with the lunacy laws and the management of private lunatic asylums.

How sparkling was Reade's crisp brilliancy in "Peg Woffington"! but into what disagreeable affectations it has since degenerated! Carlyle was a boon to the human race, amid the lameness into which English style was declining; but who is not tired of him and his catchwords now?

There was nothing to be done but to leave the sisters together, obtaining Miss Reade's ready promise to write, and putting into her hands a sum of money which could be sincerely called 'only a debt of gratitude from my husband and me, and which would smooth the way either to remaining or returning to England. Nor was there any return. Ere many weeks had passed Mrs.

Then he would fidget about nervously, all of which was most unusual with him, for Reade's was one of those strong natures that will endure work day and night as long as is necessary, and then go in for complete rest when there is nothing else to do. Harry did not observe this, for he had gone back into the tent.

A cat is as remote from your life as a lizard, but a dog is as intimate as your own thoughts or your own shadow, and his loyalty is one of the consolations of a disloyal world. You remember that remark of Charles Reade's: "He was only a man, but he was as faithful as a dog." It was the highest tribute he could pay to his hero that he was as faithful as a dog.

In this month I devoured all the 'Waverley novels, but I must have been devouring a great many others, for Charles Reade's 'Christie Johnstone' is associated with the last moment of the last days.

He looked steadily into his enemy's eyes as he continued: "Black, a good, clean dog wouldn't willingly stand by this crowd!" Thump! 'Gene Blacks clenched fist landed in Reade's face, knocking him down. "Thank you," murmured Reade, as he sat up. "Much obliged, are you?" jeered Black. "Yes," admitted Tom. "As far as it goes.