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"But the country got worse and worse and the hills were steeper and more thickly covered in heather and bracken. The horses were over their hocks all the time, and the place was pitted with rabbit-holes; but the hounds were still streaming along, and the riders could not afford to pick their steps.

She let her reins drop loose and the gallop changed to a trot, the trot to a walk. She noticed with gratitude that Thresk was giving her time. He too had fallen to a walk behind her, and quite slowly he came to her side. She turned to him at once. "This is good country for a gallop, isn't it?" "Rabbit-holes though," said he. "You were lucky." He answered absently.

There are few men of business, no matter with what singleness of purpose they have been installing their machinery and counting their nickels, but will admit that this is but a small part of life. They dream of rabbit-holes, but they will never go down one. I had dinner recently with a man who by his honesty and perseverance has built up and maintained a large and successful business.

So he went along the highway a little till he came to a place where was a footbridge over into the meadow. He crossed thereby and went swiftly till he reached a rising ground grown over with hazel-trees; there he sat down among the rabbit-holes, the primrose and wild-garlic blooming about him, and three blackbirds answering one another from the edges of the coppice.

But Barrett had placed these competitors out of the running at once. The race was between him and the man behind. Fifty yards of difficult country, bushes which caught his clothes as if they were trying to stop him in the interests of law and order, branches which lashed him across the face, and rabbit-holes half hidden in the bracken, and still he kept his lead. He was increasing it.

"There are simply millions of trees and nests and and rabbit-holes all over the place." They were silent for a moment. Then Judy asked, still more timidly: "I say, Tim?" "Well." "What does he really look like? I can't remember quite. I mean shall we recognise him?" Tim stared at her. "My dear!" he gasped, as though the question almost shocked him. "Why, he touched me on the head! I felt it!"

Raffles, as promised, turned up on the next occasion provided with a ferret and a gun, and all difficulties were smoothed over with the farmer. Thus Jack Bourne took his post as the noble British sportsman just behind the Lodestone Moat, whilst Raffles, with his ferret, worked the bank, which was honey-combed with rabbit-holes.

Dare you gallop?" "Well, we do." "Such lots of rabbit-holes." "What does it matter?" "Oh, dear, you're very cross." "I can't help it," he said like an unhappy child. "I can't help it." And he put his hand to his head with an uncertain movement. "Oh." With a practical air she sought for an impersonal topic. "Tell me about Paris." "Paris." There was no need for him to speak above a murmur.

There was a stiff breeze blowing, but it did not touch them in their sheltered nook. They could hear it making its moan, however, as if it were vainly trying to get at them; and there also ascended from below the ceaseless sound of the sea. Beth turned her back on the wild prospect, and watched the rabbit-holes. "There's one on the right," she said at last, softly.

Thank Heaven the horses come out of a livery stable ... They can't go on for ever and oh, my God! there are rabbit-holes on the Downs." And his voice rose to a shout: "Stella! Stella!" But she never looked over her shoulder. She fled the more desperately, shamed through and through!