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At the sight of him all rose and Huaracha descended from his throne, saying in a loud voice: "Welcome to the land of the Chancas, O Upanqui, Inca of the Quichuas." The old monarch eyed him for a moment, then answered in a thin voice: "Greeting to Huaracha, Curaca of the Chancas." Huaracha bowed and said: "I thank you, but here among my own people my title is not Curaca, but King, O Inca."

Consequently, for the carrying of really heavy burdens he had to depend on himself. As a result, it is not surprising to learn from Dr. Ferris that while his arms are poorly developed, his shoulders are broader, his back muscles stronger, and the calves of his legs larger and more powerful than those of almost any other race. The Quichuas are fond of shaking hands.

After a pause, during which the priests of the Chancas and of the Yuncas behind us sacrificed sheep to the moon and the many other gods they worshipped, and those of the Quichuas, as I could see from my rock, made prayers and offerings to the rising sun, with a mighty shouting the Inca hosts began to advance across the plain towards us.

Thus they have become the facile tools of every leader who, by greater audacity, craft, or determination, has risen to authority among them. The Guaranis were the principal nation dwelling on the eastern portion of South America. They were probably the same race as the Quichuas, who inhabited the western shores, and a large portion of the Andes, under the rule of the Incas.

The Peruvian highlanders whom we met by the roadside were different in feature, attitude, and clothing from those of the Titicaca Basin or even of Santa Rosa, which is not far away. They were typical Quichuas peaceful agriculturists usually spinning wool on the little hand spindles which have been used in the Andes from time immemorial.

"Only this, Lord," answered their spokesman, "Fight you must, of that there can be no doubt, but we would fight with you, the ten of the Chancas against the ten of the Quichuas." "Aye, that is good," replied the first of Kari's nobles. "This business is too great to set upon one man's skill and strength." "Have done!" I said.

The tribes over whom they ruled are still to be found, though in diminished numbers, and debased by the cruel system of oppression under which they long groaned. The native inhabitants of the central region of the Andes are known as the Quichuas, and their chief characteristics are common to the greater number of the tribes along the whole extent of the range.

Their huts are built of adobe, the roofs thatched with coarse grass. The Quichuas are brown in color. Their hair is straight and black. Gray hair is seldom seen. It is the custom among the men in certain localities to wear their hair long and braided. Beards are sparse or lacking. Bald heads are very rare. Teeth seem to be more enduring than with us.

Map of Peru and view of Cuzco From the "Speculum Orbis Terrarum," Antwerp, 1578. In order to learn more about the picturesque Quichuas who throng the streets of Cuzco it was felt to be important to secure anthropometric measurements of a hundred Indians. Accordingly, Surgeon Nelson set up a laboratory in the Hotel Central.

There is no other case quite parallel to this in the annals of European colonization, although the Goanese in India have a native tongue and a Portuguese creed, while in several of the Spanish-American states the Indian blood is dominant and the majority of the population speak an Indian tongue, perhaps itself, as with the Quichuas, once a culture-tongue of the archaic type.