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"Sylvia had a lot of women here playing for the season score, so I suggested she keep the pick of them for dinner, and call in a few choice ones to make a night of it." "It's agreeable to me," said Plank, still looking at Quarrier with the same inquiring expression, which that gentleman presently chose to understand. "I haven't had a chance to look into that matter," he said carelessly.

Colonel Quarrier was laughing, so were the adjutant and the regimental sergeant-major. In the former's hand was the unrolled scrap of paper on which the airmen's message was written. "It's all right, after all, Mr. Wilmshurst," said the colonel. "Your runner is a bit of a blockhead, as I think you'll admit.

"It depends who is dealing with him," she answered, meeting his look with eyes full of sympathetic expression. "I read him at once, and managed him. He is too weak for serious villainy. He doesn't seem to have thought of extorting money from you. Lilian was his only object. He would have taken her away by force." "Come we mustn't lose time." "Mr. Quarrier, do be calm, and let us talk before we go.

He wouldn't go to Belwether and promise any such thing! … On the contrary, he felt it his duty to inform Quarrier!

As they entered the hall together, she turned to him, an indefinable smile curving her lips; then, with a little nod, friendly and sweet, she left him standing at the open door of the gun-room. The first person he encountered in the gun-room was Quarrier, who favoured him with an expressionless stare, then with a bow, quite perfunctory and non-committal.

Quarrier was musing, a look of annoyance on his face. "It couldn't have happened more inconveniently," he said, without regard to Lilian's objection. "I had better tell you at once, Lily: I've asked a friend of mine to come and dine with us to-morrow." She started and looked at him with anxious eyes. "A friend?" "Yes; Glazzard the man who spoke to me at Kew Station the other day you remember?"

I became good friends with the Beckets, and before coming back to England I made an offer to Miss Allen that was the governess's name. She refused me, and I was conceited enough to wonder what the deuce she meant." Glazzard laughed. He was listening with more show of interest. "Well," pursued Quarrier, after puffing vainly at his extinguished pipe, "there was reason for wondering.

Leila stood silent, then, withdrawing her fingers, walked to the window. Quarrier, his hat in his gloved hands, looked from one to the other, his inquiring eyes returning and focused on Sylvia. "Who are you dining with?" he asked with authority. "Mr. Plank and Mr. Siward." "Mr. Siward!" he repeated in surprised displeasure, as though he had not already divined it. "Yes. A man I like."

"Pray remember," urged the other, "that this Northway is by no means the rascal of melodrama. He has just enough brains to make him conceited, and is at the disposal of any one who plays upon his conceit. With much trouble I induced him to regard you as a source of profit." She broke off and seemed to falter. "I think you won't find fault with me, Mr. Quarrier, for trying to do this?"

Quarrier had gone to spend the day at a neighbouring town, and would not be back before late in the evening, so that Lilian had arranged to go from Mrs. Wade's to the Liversedges'. They still had a couple of hours' talk to enjoy; on Lilian's side, at all events, it was unfeigned enjoyment. The cosy little room put her at ease.