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A little inland, on a plain estimated by myself at nearly three hundred feet, the upper stratum was formed of broken shells and sand cemented by white calcareous matter, and abounding with embedded recent shells, of which the Mulinia Byronensis and Pecten purpuratus were the most numerous.

The shells embedded in the calcareous beds forming the surface of this fringe-like plain, at the height of from 200 to 250 feet above the sea, consist of: Venus opaca. 2. Mulinia Byronensis. 3. Pecten purpuratus. 4. Mesodesma donaciforme. 5. Turritella cingulata. 6. Monoceros costatum. 7. Concholepas Peruviana. 8. Calyptraea Byronensis.

Venus costellata, Sowerby "Zoological Proceedings." Pecten purpuratus, Lam. Chama, probably echinulata, Brod. Calyptraea Byronensis, Gray. Fissurella affinis, Gray. Fissurella biradiata, Trembly. Purpura chocolatta, Duclos. Purpura Peruviana, Gray. Purpura labiata, Gray. Concholepas Peruviana. Nassa, related to reticulata. Triton rudis, Brod.

Its surface was there formed of gravel, cemented together by calcareous matter; and out of it I extracted the following recent shells, which are in a more perfect condition than those from the upper plain: Calyptraea radians. 2. Turritella cingulata. 3. Oliva Peruviana. 4. Murex labiosus, var. 5. Solen Dombeiana. 7. Pecten purpuratus. 8. Venus Chilensis. 9. Amphidesma rugulosum.