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Let's have a quiet evening." "A quiet evening!" Toomey snorted. "That's my idea of hell. I'll tell you about me, Old Dear I'm going to have one more whirl if I have to walk back to Prouty, and you might as well go with me." Since he was determined, Mrs.

It was useless to argue when Kate used that tone, so Bowers had to content himself with thinking that he would make her as comfortable as circumstances would allow. Kate stood in the doorway with her flour sack in her hand looking at Prouty as the brakes relaxed and the wheels began to grind.

And, after all, it was seldom worth the gore and effort, for the trickle generally stopped altogether in August when they needed it. If the flow did not stop at the intake it broke out somewhere below and flooded somebody. If the sides did not give way because of the moisture loosening the soil, the rats and prairie dogs conspired to ruin Prouty by tunneling into the banks.

Ed Ross was captain, and Lannie Sudduth and Bob Hardee, lieutenants. There were no other officers, for that would have left too few privates; but, as it was, our nine men marching single file and wide apart made a fine showing. Owen Prouty limping bravely along, brought up the rear.

It was so strongly in her mind while they dressed for the affair at the Prouty House that Toomey's conversation was largely a soliloquy. Surveying himself complacently in the glass, it pleased Mr. Toomey to be jocose. "Say, Old Girl, how long will it take you to pack your war-bag when I get this deal pulled off?

Prouty was visibly taken aback. "It is necessary to finance even righteousness," he said, at last. "Beyond question," admitted the General. "I only ask you to meet me on the business basis where you belong. I'll not allow you to mask factional interests behind religion or a moral issue. I don't mean to be curt or disobliging, gentlemen, but you must get out in the open.

If he made a success she must take him seriously and anyway, his train of thought led him to inquire: "Don't you ever think about getting married, Pink?" His partner regarded him in astonishment. "Now wouldn't I look comical tied to one of them quails I see runnin' around Prouty!" "But," Wallie persisted, "some nice girl " "Aw-w I'd ruther have a good saddle-horse.

The next day Teeters went into the post office at Prouty with more letters than he had written in all his life together. The Major was at the window perspiring under the verbal attack of a highly incensed lady. A deeply interested listener, Teeters gathered that the postmaster's faulty orthography was to blame for the contumely heaped upon him.

The Prouty barber lathering the face of a customer, after the manner of a man whitewashing a chicken coop, paused on an upward stroke to listen. Then he stepped to the door, looked down the street, and nodded in confirmation. After which he returned, laid down his brush, and pinned on a nickel badge, which act transformed him into the town constable.

The name of Prouty alone was sufficient to bring this change, as if at the sound of the word a habit of reserve asserted itself. Prentiss thought of it much, but contented himself with believing that all in good time he would have his daughter's entire confidence.