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But the work of God so abundantly prospers that I dare not repine, or else I feel this constant packing and unpacking and staying amongst strangers to be a great burden, especially while so weak and poorly. But then I have many mercies and advantages. My precious William is all I desire, and without this what would the most splendid home be but a glittering bauble? For several years Mrs.

Anthony, with rather a long face, retired from the Doctor's presence. A few days later the school broke up for the summer holidays. When a big school like Saint Dominic's is gathered together within the comparatively narrow compass of four walls, there is some possibility of ascertaining how it prospers, and what events are interesting it.

And outside one lateral window on a ledge to the sun, prospers this little garden of random salad. Buckingham Palace has nothing whatever of the Vatican dignity, but one cannot well think of little cheerful cabbages sunning themselves on any parapet it may have round a corner.

A man may be honest and wonder why he does not get ahead; a man may have vision and still remain only a dreamer; but when integrity and vision are combined with hard work, the man prospers. It is the same with classes and nations. It has been said that genius is the author of invention. Statistics do not support this statement. The facts show that industry is the mother of invention.

"All that this man does prospers, and all that he dreams of by night comes true by day," wrote the Venetian chronicler. "And, in truth, he is esteemed and revered throughout the world and is held to be the wisest and most successful man in Italy. And all men fear him, because fortune favours him in everything that he undertakes." But already ugly rumours began to be whispered abroad.

You might as well try to farm swamp lands without draining them." "Why, General, my scheme doesn't include plantations at all." "Yes, it does; Dixie's a plantation State, and you can't make your little patch of it prosper till our planting prospers can he, Proudfit?" The Colonel laughed. "No go, General; I'm not going to side with you.

The old ties must be cut loose once for all; a man must think of the land in which he prospers as his home; it's not a square deal to run back with the money he has made in it. He must grow up with the rising nation he becomes a member of." "Yes," Muriel conceded slowly; "I think that is so. But it's harder for a woman." "And yet have you seen any one who looked unhappy?"

'A sail in the offing, said Herbert. 'How that solitary sail tells, Annabel! 'I feel the sea breeze, mother. Does not it remind you of Weymouth? said Venetia. 'Ah! Marmion, said Lady Annabel, 'I would that you could see Masham once more. He is the only friend that I regret. 'He prospers, Annabel; let that be our consolation: I have at least not injured him.

I, for my part, trembled to hear the good old man was under the domination of the Campaigner. "Bayham sends me the paper regularly; he is a very kind faithful creature. How glad I am that he has got a snug berth in the City! His company really prospers, I am happy to think, unlike some companies you know of, Pen. I have read your two speeches, sir, and Clive and I liked them very much.

But unfortunately the inhabitants of Paris are frivolous; remarks of the moment are soon forgotten; the absent and unfortunate are neglected; the man who prospers secures favor by his presence; the intriguing and malicious support each other, renew their vile efforts, and the effects of these, incessantly succeeding each other, efface everything by which they were preceded.