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Neither would he permit anybody, not even "Captain Dab," to see his letter after it was written. "I's been mighty partikler 'bout de pronounciation," he said to himself, "specially in wot I wrote to Mr. Morris, but I'd like to see dem all read dem letters. Guess dar'll be a high time at our house."

“When a person runs on in this manner for any length of time, I now thought it probable that he would strike into different languages, and give some words in each their right pronounciation, as I have heard some men of learning, who were present, say a few words, were Hebrew, three or four Greek, and a few Latin

We have been pained beyond measure, as no doubt all of the school board have, at hearing the scholars pronounce Latin by 'tother system. No longer ago than last Saturday, when we were in Mons. Anderson's, a girl came in and asked for a pair of Latin corsets, by the Onalaska system of pronounciation.

Horatio understood the language perfectly well, having conversed so long with Swedes, but never could attain to a perfect pronounciation of it, so replied in French, that he knew the prince could speak French, and he would therefore answer to any interrogatories his highness should be pleased to make without the help of an interpreter. Are you not then a Swede? said the prince.

The gospels, to him, were luminous with love, mercy, and protecting providence; and while his sermons were faulty and confused, his language vicious, and his pronounciation depraved, so that he furnished occasional provocation to scoffers among the profane, and to critics among the orthodox, there was always such sweetness and tenderness, and love so broad, deep, rich and pure, that few earnest or thoughtful minds ever heard him without being moved and elevated by his benignant spirit.

The school board, at its last session adopted the following rule: "The continental system of pronounciation shall be taught in the high schools of La Crosse, and no other allowed except by direction of board of education." We are glad the rule has been adopted, as there is no doubt that the continental system is the best.

"Why, after they're cooked!" "Well, I s'pose we can; but I feel more like shaking hands with 'em all around, just now. They're old friends and neighbors of mine, you know." "Yes; but I guess we'd better eat them." "Cap'n Dab," said Dick, "dey jes' knock all de correck pronounciation out ob me, dey does." "Ford, Frank, I'll ask Mrs. Myers and Almira up here right away.

The pronounciation of Latin has recently been the subject of much discussion. It seems clear that the vowels did not differ greatly, if at all, from the same as pronounced by the modern Italians. The distinction between E and I, however, was less clearly marked, at least in the popular speech. Inscriptions and manuscripts afford abundant instances of their confusion.

Quite without intention, she introduced into every word she spoke several inflections which made her manner of pronounciation peculiarly her own. Esperance was kneeling on a chair, leaning upon her arms on the table. Her blue dress, cut like a blouse, was held in at the waist by a narrow girdle knotted loosely.

It's not a hay meadow. We graze it." "Mrs. Gosden," said Gregory, "called the field the hay takers." Mr. Gosden laughed loudly. "That's my missis's pronounciation," he said. "She's much too fond of haitches: she will put them in the wrong place. I often correct her, but it's no use. It's nothing to do with hay. It's the size of the field the size, don't you see?