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"God." "Is God strong?" "Stronger than all the world." "More than father?" "Your father gets his strength from God." "And the wicked man with his eye bandaged, why does God make him strong? I am so afraid of his coming again; he will take me away." "Don't be afraid; I won't let you go." "If he kills us both?" "Then we shall both go to heaven." "And Almira too?" "No; not Almira." "Why not?"

Almira Jane was through washing the dishes now; and as she took the broom in hand to begin sweeping out the kitchen, Tim gave a frightened growl, and fled to the dining-room. Almira Jane grew very red in the face as she said, "That dog can think well enough, and tell his thoughts too. It is plain to me that some one has used a broom to ill-treat the poor, helpless creature with."

Uncle Jason was rather sombre that evening, and even Marty did not feel equal to stirring the quiet waters of the family pool. Janice stole away early to bed. Aunt Almira was always the last person in the household to retire.

Lawyers came and bailed out the other unfortunate, of whom it soon was rumored that he was Almira Quimby's own cousin, the son of her rich city aunt, and that was the reason the lawyers and not the relatives came.

He read to her while she sewed rags for a new sitting-room carpet, and they played dominoes and checkers together in the twilight before supper-time suppers that were a feast to the boy, after Mrs. Buck's cookery. Anthony brought his violin sometimes of an evening, and Almira Berry, the next neighbour on the road to the Mills, would drop in and join the little party.

The parson burst out into a laugh, like a boy. "Hush, husband," warned Mrs. Henderson; "I'm afraid Jerusha will hear." "I can't help it, Almira." His eyes were brimming with amusement. "Our boys are getting waked up already." "I ain't asleep," declared Peletiah, looking up at his father in amazement; "I'm eating my dinner."

But Almira retired with her chain into the hole near the elder-tree and came out no more; she ceased to bark, but a hot panting could be heard for a long time. Timar heard it too. He could not sleep; he had left the trap-door open to get some light.

Diademy calls 'em in 'n' gives 'em a cooky every time they go past, 'n' they eat as if they was famished. Rube Hobson never was any kind of a pervider, 'n' he's consid'able snug besides." "He ain't goin' to better himself much," said Almira. "Eunice Emery ain't fit to housekeep for a cat.

And, instead of sulking or fretting about what he could not help, he set himself to making allowances for other people. "Father says that every one has his trials," he would say to himself sagely; "and I dare say that most folks have worse trials than mine. So when Almira Jane is 'nervous, and Lucy is fretful, or mother has her bad headaches, I must just remember to be 'specially good to them.

She wrinkled her forehead, curled her lips, and threw a defiantly penetrating glance at him; even her complexion changed, the rose tint on her cheeks turned livid. Evidently she could look odious if she chose. The new-comer, however, quite unabashed, continued, "How pretty you have grown!" Instead of answering she said to the dog, "Down, Almira!"