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And you want to make eyes at the programme-girl, and give a half-crown tip when they open the box, and take off your British warm in full view of the audience, and...." "Kiss you," said Peter uproariously, suiting the action to the word. "Good Lord, Julie, you're a marvel! No more of those old restaurants for me.

Of course, this is not what I call good music, but it's very bright in its way, and the words I always think these words are so clever. So witty. Listen to them do listen to them, dear Mrs Ottley. They listened to the beautiful words sung, of which the refrain ran as follows: The Box Office man told the Programme-girl, The Theatre all was in quite a whirl. The call-boy told the Chorus.

To her relief, when she reached the bleak street, she could see that though the blind was down, the bill was still in the window. Her spirits bubbled up again. Ere she could knock at the door, the programme-girl bounced through it, hatted and cloaked for the theatre. "Miss O'Keeffe!" She almost staggered backward. Eileen's face worked tragically in the gloom. "There are villains after me!"

But the blood was secretly stirred in her veins. She saw herself walking along the Black Hole with the programme-girl, but her point of view had been modified since she had received a similar suggestion with a shudder. If she could play Rosalind to a great London audience, the staring men-folk would matter little. "Why not?" went on the bass tempter.

The next morning, as she sat answering advertisements, the programme-girl knocked at the door of the bedroom and announced that Mr. Maper had called. Eileen turned red. It was too disconcerting. Would he never take "no" for an answer? "I won't see him. I can't see him," she cried. The girl departed and returned. "Oh, Miss O'Keeffe, he begs so for only one word." "The word is 'no."

Who knows but that between the acts tonight I may not be seized with some luminous thought? Could I utter this to my next-door neighbour or the programme-girl? Stand by me, Comrade Jackson, or we are undone. So Mike stood by him.

Fortunately, I only come on in the second act." "That's nice; put my bag in and I'll come to the theatre with you." The thought was impromptu, an evening with a bed-ridden woman was not exhilarating at such a crisis. "You ought to be an actress yourself," the programme-girl remarked admiringly on the way. Eileen shuddered. "No, thank you.

Eileen burst into a laugh. "Oh, miss!" she said, mimicking the programme-girl. "Didn't you recognise me on the stage?" "Mary Murchison!" gasped the programme-girl. "Oh, Miss O'Keeffe, how wonderful! You nearly made my heart stop " "I am sorry, but I do want to take your bedroom. I've left Mrs. Maper, and you are not to ask any questions." "I haven't time, I'm late already.

While packing her big box, she had decided to try to lodge that night with a programme-girl she had got to know at the Theatre Royal, and the motive that set her pace was the desire to find her before she had started for the theatre. The girl usually hovered about Mrs. Maper's box. Once Eileen had asked her why she wasn't in evidence the week before.

"I shall never find another place without influence, and I have no more influence." "Have the Winstocks no money?" "Not a penny." "And have the Paulles no money?" "None for me." "You are the ideal programme-girl in a theatre," said Mr. Prohack. "You will never starve. Excuse me for a few minutes. I have another very important appointment," he added, as the car stopped in Piccadilly.