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She said that he always believed he was to die soon, and that he often told her that he had never any fear of death.... The more I learned about the Prince-Consort, the more I agree with what the Queen said to me about him, "that he really did not seem to comprehend a selfish character, or what selfishness was."

Yes, sir, Webb, you're a prince-consort; and if I was you, I'd start a interregnum or a habeus corpus or somethin'; and I'd be king if I had to turn from the bottom of the deck." Baldy emptied his glass to the ratification of his Warwick pose. "Baldy," said Webb, solemnly, "me and you punched cows in the same outfit for years.

Indeed, for my own part, I am inclined to believe that I should be prouder and happier as the husband of a dowerless wife, than as prince-consort to the heiress of the Haygarths. We have built up such a dear, cheery, unpretentious home for ourselves in our talk of the future, that I doubt if we should care to change it for the stateliest mansion in Kensington Palace-gardens or Belgrave-square.

The Prince-Consort went over to Coburg on a visit of condolence. Some passages in his letters to the Queen, who took this first separation from him hard, are nice reading for their homely and husbandly spirit. From the yacht, before sailing, he wrote: "I have been here an hour, and regret the lost time which I might have spent with you.

"What was that you called me, Baldy?" he asked. "What kind of a concert was it?" "A 'consort," corrected Baldy "a 'prince-consort. It's a kind of short-card pseudonym. You come in sort of between Jack-high and a four-card flush." Webb Yeager sighed, and gathered the strap of his Winchester scabbard from the floor. "I'm ridin' back to the ranch to-day," he said half-heartedly.

"Sure not," said Baldy, sympathetic, still thirsty, and genuinely solicitous concerning the relative value of the cards. "By rights you're a king. If I was you, I'd call for a new deal. The cards have been stacked on you I'll tell you what you are, Webb Yeager." "What?" asked Webb, with a hopeful look in his pale-blue eyes. "You're a prince-consort." "Go easy," said Webb.

From Osborne, in a letter to his daughter, the Prince-Consort writes: "Alfred looks very nice and handsome in his new naval cadet's uniform the round-jacket and the long- tailed coat, with the broad knife by his side." The next month the Prince went to Spithead, to see this son off on a two-years' cruise and felt that his family had indeed begun to break up.

It has been well said by a distinguished writer that it was only 'since his death, and chiefly since the Queen's own generous and tender impulse prompted her to make the nation the confidant of her own great love and happiness, that the Prince-Consort has had full justice.... Perhaps, if truth were told, he was too uniformly noble, too high above all soil and fault, to win the fickle popular admiration, which is more caught by picturesque irregularity than by the higher perfections of a wholly worthy life.

Of the six 'points, all but the second and fifth have since that time become the law of the land, as the growing requirements of the nation have seemed to render them necessary. The Crimean War, 1854-55 Siege of Sebastopol Balaklava Inkermann Interest of the Queen and Prince-Consort in the suffering Soldiers Florence Nightingale Distribution of Victoria Crosses by the Queen.

I believe it is not generally known that to the humane influence of the Prince-Consort with the Duke of Wellington, was owing the new military regulation which finally put an end to duelling in the English army. Lord, keep his memory green!