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If we glance at Sorolla's young girls and young boys racing along the hot beach, or his bathers exulting in their "water joy," we recall at the same moment the "Primavera" with its swift-stepping nymphs, the wind gods in the "Birth of Venus," or the "Judith" with her maid moving rapidly along a flower-strewn path.

Each is more or less autobiographic or else historical in outline: 'many of its shepherds and shepherdesses are such in dress alone, Cervantes confesses of his romance, while Lope announces that 'the Arcadia is a true history. Lastly may be mentioned the Portuguese Primavera of Francisco Rodrígues de Lobo, which appeared in three long parts between 1601 and 1614, and is pronounced by Ticknor to be 'among the best full-length pastoral romances extant.

Only once have I had to be positively firm with the publicity man and that was when he wanted to make me the subject of a newspaper story that society girls, as he called them, were intent upon becoming motion picture actresses. That, for the sake of my friends, I simply had to refuse." "I think," he said slowly, "that the name your father calls you is the prettiest of them all." "Mi Primavera?"

We saw many birds, among which doves were conspicuous; the alcalde says that six or eight species occur here, the different kinds singing at different seasons; one of them had a peculiarly sad and mournful song, and is heard in the early morning. Another bird, the primavera, seems to be like our mockingbird, imitating the notes and cries of many other birds and animals.

As her father completed the story of the horse race he paused and they sat silent, the spell of reminiscence upon the elder couple and of imagination upon Consuello and John. "It is growing late, Mi Primavera," her father said. "If you are to return to the city tonight you must leave soon." Consuello rose and went into the house with her mother. Don Ygnacio and John stood waiting.

The principal magnets that draw people here, no doubt, are the Fra Angelicos and Botticelli's "Primavera"; but in five at least of the rooms there is not an uninteresting picture, while the collection is so small that one can study it without fatigue no little matter after the crowded Uffizi and Pitti.

As she sat with them she wore a finely-spun black lace mantilla, or shawl, around her shoulders. "I promised Mr. Gallant you would tell us stories of the old days in Los Angeles, father," said Consuello. "Ah, no, Mi Primavera. I would not care to bore Mr. Gallant with such dusty old tales. He is a lad of today," her father stroked her head as it rested against his knee.

He had made an effort to come and see her; and now he leant back in his chair, weary and a little dispirited. 'You poor dear young man, said Mrs. Gibson, coming up to him with her soft, soothing manner; 'how tired you look! Do take some of that eau- de-Cologne and bathe your forehead. This spring weather overcomes me too. 'Primavera' I think the Italians call it.

With how subtly pensive a mien she comes through the spring woods here in the Primavera, her delicate hand lifted half in protest, half in blessing of that gay and yet thoughtful company, Flora, her gown full of roses, Spring herself caught in the arms of Aeolus, the Graces dancing a little wistfully together, where Mercurius touches indifferently the unripe fruit with the tip of his caducaeus, and Amor blindfold points his dart, yes almost like a prophecy of death.... What is this scene that rises so strangely before our eyes, that are filled with the paradise of Angelico, the heaven of Lippo Lippi.

After a long pause, during which he gave her some of the prepared stimulant Ramsay had left ready, she spoke again, with rather more vigour. "Do you remember that Artists' Fête in the Bois when I went as Primavera Botticelli's Primavera?" "Perfectly." "I was as handsome then as that girl you were rowing. And now But I don't want to die!" she said with sudden anguish "Why should I die?