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Plumer was in ill health, Judge Smith and Mr. Mason were allied with the trustees, and the president therefore went to Mr. Webster, consulted him professionally, paid him, and obtained a promise of his future services.

To avenge this native attack, in which several burghers had been killed, reinforcements were brought over by the Boers from the Pietersburg line, and Holdsworth's position at Mochudi on the Western line, whither he had retired after the Sekwani failure, was endangered. This was the news which reached Plumer at the end of the year.

The fine old Whig was William Plumer, who had been her employer, and was now living at Gilston. He died in 1821. This raised many complaints, and having stopped, among others, a frank given to the old dutchess of Marlborough by Mr. Walter Plummer, he was cited before the house, as for breach of privilege, and accused, I suppose very unjustly, of opening letters to detect them.

In the meantime it had been decided that Colonel Plumer should occupy Zeerust in the Transvaal, twenty-eight miles from the border, while Colonel Baden-Powell and his force pushed on to Rustenburg. On May 28 Colonel Mahon and the relief column all departed to rejoin General Hunter in or near Lichtenburg, and Mafeking was left with a small garrison to look after the sick and wounded.

I think there must have been something big on: either a further advance of Plumer's Army or a counter-attack by the Crown Prince Rupprecht. It was a big row. "Apropos of Sir Herbert Plumer, the victor of Messines: we were in his Second Army until that battle; now we have been transferred to Sir Hubert Gough's Fifth Army.

The last news that came in that evening was that all the wires were cut north and south of Mafeking, and the telegraphists fled, as their lives had been threatened. Now Major-General Sir Herbert Plumer, K.C.B. Now Marquis of Winchester. Now Marchioness of Ripon. Now Lady de Bathe. Died in Africa, 1909. Now Sir Hamilton Gould Adams, Governor of the Orange River Colony.

Sir Herbert Plumer realized by the middle of the afternoon that a counterattack was necessary. He had held two battalions in reserve along the Ypres-Menin Road. He also had five battalions with him and reenforcements in the form of a brigade of infantry had arrived at Vlamertinghe Château, back of Ypres.

Did she die of a peach-stone at the banquet?" "Not at all. She became Princess of Este instead of Sheba." "Oh-h-h," says Grace Plumer, in a long-drawn exclamation. "And then?" "Why, Miss Grace, how insatiable you are! then I came away." "You did? I wouldn't have come away." "No, Miss Grace, you didn't." "How I didn't? What does that mean, Mr. Moultrie?" "I mean the Princess remained."

Boers' last card, which they had played when they heard of the approaching relief column under Colonel Mahon, and of his intention to join hands with Colonel Plumer, coming from the North. After lunch, two days later, we saw clouds of dust to the south, and, from information to hand, we knew it must be our relievers. The whole of Mafeking spent hours on the roofs of the houses.

Plumer also was exhausted and unable to continue the pursuit, but fortunately Knox was close behind him. He doubled back towards Hopetown for supplies, leaving Knox to follow the trail.