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When J. call'd us, he was Beyond Speech & shee Hystericall with Affright. Thus the Whole Secret perishes, since Without the Keye & his Instructions 'twould be Impossible to Proceed." "This evening came Capt. B., the worst of the Plundering Crew that pluck'd Richard. 'Sirrah, says he, impudently, 'thy Brother owe'd me three thousand pounds. And he pulls me out a great fistfull of Billets.

'Traitress! pray, rather, it may rest, Or its first home will be thy breast. Chorus of Bridal Company. 'The flowers from bright Aurora's head We pluck'd to strew a happy bed, Shall they be dipp'd in blood ere night? Woe to the nuptials! woe the sight! Rudolfo, Romualdo, Arnoldo, and the others, advance toward Camillo.

His heart was in the right place; he did not pile up cantos of poetic diction; he pluck'd the mountain daisy under his feet; he wrote of field-mouse hurrying from its ruin'd dwelling. He held the plough or the pen with the same firm, manly grasp. And he was loved.

When I have pluck'd the rose I cannot give it vital growth again, It needs must wither." Indeed, how vivid to us all is this difference between man and nature. "I would to heaven," Byron traced on the back of the manuscript of Don Juan, "I would to heaven that I were so much clay, As I am bone, blood, marrow, passion, feeling." Ah me! So at many times would most of us.

"Ye, who ere while for Cook's illustrious brow Pluck'd the green laurel and the oaken bough, Hung the gay garlands on the trophied oars, And pour'd his fame along a thousand shores. Strike the slow death-bell! weave the sacred verse, And strew the cypress o'er his honour'd hearse; In sad procession wander round the shrine, And weep him mortal, whom ye sung divine!

The thing we received was a kind of shell of at least six pounds weight, made of paste, and moulded into the figure of an egg, which we easily broke; and for my part, I was like to have thrown away my share; for it seemed to me to have a chick in it; till hearing an old guest of the tables saying, it was some good bit or other, I searched further into it, and found a delicate fat wheatear in the middle of a well-pepper'd yolk: On this Trimalchio stopped his play for a while, and requiring the like for himself, proclaim'd, if any of us would have any more metheglin, he was at liberty to take it; when of a sudden the musick gave the sign, and the first course was scrabled away by a company of singers and dancers; but in the rustle it happening that a dish fell on the door, a boy took it up, and Trimalchio taking notice of it, pluck'd him by the ears, and commanded him to throw it down again; on which the groom of the chamber came with a broom and swept away the silver dish, with whatsoever else had fallen from the table.

"Even children follow'd with endearing wile And pluck'd his gown, to share the good man's smile," accurately pictured the feelings of many of us as we lingered after service to see him greet our fathers and mothers. As to my biblical studies, they were continued, though not perhaps as systematically as they might well have been.

By half-past three, Mary was entering a copse which led into Mr. Edmonstone's field, when she heard gay tones, and a snatch of one of the sweetest of old songs, Weep no more, lady; lady, weep no more, Thy sorrow is in vain; For violets pluck'd, the sweetest showers Will ne'er make grow again.

Then said the kinsman unto Boaz, do Thou take my right. And off he pluck'd his shoe.

Carry a sword in the myrtle bough, Ye who would honour the tyrant-slayer; I, in the leaves of the myrtle bough, Carry a tyrant to slay myself. I pluck'd the branch with a hasty hand, But Love was lurking amidst the leaves; His bow is bent and his shaft is poised, And I must perish or pass the bough.