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Ill-omened carrion that thou art, wherefore placedst thou the pickled cucumber so far apart from the boar's head? and why are these superb congers unprovided with a requisite quantity of fennel? The divorce betwixt the shell-fish and the Chian wine, in a presence like this, is worthy of the divorce of thine own soul from thy body; or, to say the least, of a lifelong residence in the Pistrinum."

There are two inches on it of pure fat, softer than marrow. He was fed upon holm acorns, I’ll be sworn, and sweet chesnuts, and caught in a mild south wind!" "Fewer words, you scoundrel," exclaimed Catiline, laughing at the fellow’s volubility, "and quicker carving, if you wish not to visit the pistrinum.

Here is old Corbulus in agonies for his febrifuge, and a slave of his is in high words with the market-carrier, who tells him that Mago, who supplied it, is dead of a worse fever than his master’s. “The rogue,” cried the slave, “my master has contracted with him for the year, and has paid him the money in advance.” A jeering and mocking from the crowd assailed the unfortunate domestic, who so truly foreboded that his return without the medicine would be the signal for his summary committal to the pistrinum. “Let old Corbulus follow Mago in his passage to perdition,” said one of the rabble; “let him take his physic with Pluto, and leave us the bread and wine on which he’s grown gouty.” “Bread, bread!” was the response elicited by this denunciation, and it spread into a circle larger than that of which the slave and the carrier were part.