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They applauded the rapid success of his arms, which overran the adjacent country, as far as Narni, Perusia, and Spoleto; but they trembled, the senate, the clergy, and the unwarlike people, as soon as they understood that he had resolved, and would speedily be reduced, to sustain a siege against the powers of the Gothic monarchy.

After this, he waited an occasion to root out the Orsini, having before dispersed those of the family of Colonnia, which fell out well to his hand; and he us'd it better. For the Orsini being too late aware, that the Dukes and the Churches greatness was their destruction, held a Council together in a dwelling house of theirs in the country adjoyning to Perusia.

They were, however, pushed from place to place until they found themselves shut up in the town of Perusia, in Etruria, where they were besieged and forced to surrender, by the military skill of Agrippa, afterwards known as one of the ablest generals of antiquity. Meantime, Antony's fortunes in the East were failing, and he determined upon a brave effort to overthrow Octavius.

Etruria sued for peace in the following year ; Volsinii, Perusia, Arretium, and in general all the towns that had joined the league against Rome, promised a cessation of hostilities for four hundred months. Last Struggles of Samnium

Unlike the Samnites who had now for eighteen years maintained the unequal struggle, three of the most powerful Etruscan towns Perusia, Cortona, and Arretium consented after the first defeat to a separate peace for three hundred months , and after the Romans had once more beaten the other Etruscans near Perusia in the following year, the Tarquinienses also agreed to a peace of four hundred months ; whereupon the other cities desisted from the contest, and a temporary cessation of arms took place throughout Etruria.

Having placed a garrison at Perusia, and sent on before him to the Roman senate the embassies of Etruria, who solicited friendship, the consul rode into the city in triumph, for successes more important than those of the dictator.

In Etruria proper Volsinii was the metropolis; of the rest of its twelve towns we know by trustworthy tradition only Perusia, Vetulonium, Volci, and Tarquinii. It was, however, quite as unusual for the Etruscans really to act in concert, as it was for the Latin confederacy to do otherwise.

Unlike the Samnites who had now for eighteen years maintained the unequal struggle, three of the most powerful Etruscan towns Perusia, Cortona, and Arretium consented after the first defeat to a separate peace for three hundred months , and after the Romans had once more beaten the other Etruscans near Perusia in the following year, the Tarquinienses also agreed to a peace of four hundred months ; whereupon the other cities desisted from the contest, and a temporary cessation of arms took place throughout Etruria.

They told ten other stories of this bandit chief, each more singular than the other. Thus, from Fondi to Perusia, every one trembles at the name of Cucumetto. "These narratives were frequently the theme of conversation between Luigi and Teresa.

Etruria sued for peace in the following year ; Volsinii, Perusia, Arretium, and in general all the towns that had joined the league against Rome, promised a cessation of hostilities for four hundred months. Last Struggles of Samnium