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Behind the two brothers and their equerries rode the rest in their proper order knights, gentlemen, esquires, men-at-arms to the number, perhaps, of two hundred and fifty; spears and lances aslant, and banners, permons, and pencels of black and yellow fluttering in the warm September air.

My people have too many charges already; and I ought not to increase them by expenses which, as is often the case here, are put upon me by the folly of my schoolfellows." The Permons proved good friends to the Bonaparte children; and it was to their house at Montpellier that, in the spring of 1785, Charles Bonaparte was brought to die.

Cyr, and you may be sure that she admired her brother, the new lieutenant, boots and all. And as they came home, Napoleon took the little girls into a toy-store, and bought for them a toy-carriage, in which he placed a doll dressed as Puss-in-boots. "It is the carriage of the Marquis of Carabas, my children," he said, as they went to the Permons' house by the river.

But he put on his uniform of lieutenant, and in high spirits set off to visit his friends, the Permons. They lived in a house on one of the river streets Monsieur and Madame Permon, and their two daughters, Cecilia and Laura. Now, both these daughters were little girls, and as ready to see the funny side of things as little girls usually are.