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"In government and war we must count on no man: one unreckoned little stone may overturn everything," said the minister. "If thou, worthiness," answered Patrokles, "had not pushed the columns from the road because of those scarabs." "Thou, worthiness, art a foreigner and an unbeliever," retorted Herhor, "hence this speech. From contempt of the gods is born revolt against the pharaohs."

We meet with it from Greece to Scotland and Scandinavia, from Etruria to Poland and the south of Russia, in China as in Yucatan and certain parts of Central America. In the early days of history, cremation was practised all over Europe. The Greeks attribute its inauguration to Hercules, and the funeral pile of Patrokles is described in the Iliad.

"Recover, leader," said he; "Patrokles is waiting for orders." "Patrokles?" repeated the prince, and he looked around quickly. Before him stood Pentuer, deathly pale, but collected. A couple of steps farther on was Tutmosis, also pale; in his trembling hand was an officer's whistle. From behind the hill bent forth soldiers, on whose faces deep emotion was evident.

He wore a white mantle; on his head was a red and white cap with a golden serpent; in his hand he held a long staff. When the retinue showed itself, all present fell on their faces, except Patrokles, who, as a barbarian, stopped at a low bow, while Nitager knelt on one knee, but soon rose again. The litter stopped before a baldachin under which was an ebony throne on an elevation.

Patrokles came with the Greek regiment, and with him the priest Pentuer, sent by Herhor as another guardian near the viceroy. But he resolved not to turn attention to the holy men or ask advice of them.

At about ten in the forenoon in a heat which seemed to suck sweat and draw blood from men's bodies, Pentuer said to the viceroy, "The Libyans have entered the valley and passed Patrokles' division. They will be here in an hour from now." "Whence knowest Thou this?" asked the astonished prince. "The priests know everything," replied Pentuer, smiling.

"We will not even wonder at the death of Patrokles. For what is there surprising in this, that some drunken fellow dies who insulted the gods, nay! insulted the priests even." Tutmosis felt a threat in these jeering words. The prince had loved Patrokles greatly. The Greek leader had been as faithful as a dog to him.

A few years ago I was on the ancient Hellespont and my fellow-travellers, grouped about the deck of our vessel, were trying to make out on the receding coast of Asia the sites of Troy and of the tumuli which were then still supposed to have been the tombs of Achilles, Patrokles, and Hector, but which are now, thanks to the able researches of Dr.

If in the coming battle they will throw their weapons down and leave Musawasa, I will receive them back to the army of his holiness, and command to pay all arrears, as if they had never left the service." Patrokles and the other generals saw in this a very prudent measure; the priests were silent, Mentezufis sent a dispatch to Herhor and next day received an answer.

When, toward evening, it was necessary to call a military council, he summoned Mentezufis and Pentuer. No one mentioned the sudden death of Patrokles; perhaps because there was more urgent business; for Libyan envoys had come imploring in the name of Musawasa mercy for his son Tehenna, and offering to Egypt surrender and peace forever.