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The suite of the prince awaited the decision with fear; so Ramses turned to Herhor, "What dost Thou think of this, holy father?" "Look at the officers," answered the priest, "and Thou wilt understand that we must go by the ravine." Now Patrokles, leader of the Greeks, pushed forward and said to the heir, "If the prince permit, my regiment will advance by the highway.

"That is the priest who is aiding the worthy Patrokles; he is giving us signs," replied Pentuer. "Thou seest, then, worthy lord, that we, too, can be useful in war time." He was silent. From the distance of the valley came a certain sound; at first low, gradually it grew clearer.

He did not receive even Tutmosis. Toward evening a deputation of Greeks appeared under the leadership of Kalippos. When the heir asked what their wish was Kalippos answered, "We have come, lord, to implore that the body of our leader, thy servant Patrokles, should not be given to Egyptian priests, but be burned in accord with Greek usage." The prince was astonished.

He vanquished us before we spoke; he does not grant a corps to the heir." "He praised me so that I dared not utter a word," said Patrokles. "He is far seeing, and does not tell all he thinks. In the wake of the heir various young lords who go to war taking singers would have shoved themselves into the corps, and they would occupy the highest places.

In this hall, with its varied mosaic pavement, stood in silence, white robed and barefoot, the priests, the highest dignitaries of State, Herhor, the minister of war, also the leaders Nitager and Patrokles, who had been summoned to the presence of the pharaoh. His holiness Ramses XII, as usual before he held council, was placing offerings before the gods in his chapel. This continued rather long.

They are a few hundred yards from us and have tired horses." "We will come back in an hour with him. He is only an arm's length from us!" whispered some Asiatic. "Patrokles, Tutmosis, I leave the army to you!" cried the heir. "Rest. I will come back immediately." He put spurs to his horse and advanced at a trot, sinking in the sand, and behind him about twenty horsemen, with Pentuer.

We know well that the making of a mummy is of more profit to a man than to burn him, for the soul of a burned man is transferred to eternal regions immediately; the soul of a mummied man may live during thousands of years on this earth and enjoy its beauties. "But the Egyptian priests, O chief, let this not offend thy ears hated Patrokles.

But when near Memphis Patrokles smoothed out his wrinkled forehead and commanded them to sing the song of that priest's daughter who so loved soldiers that she put a doll in her bed and passed the whole night in the booth of the sentries. Keeping time to this song, they always marched best, and moved the oars with most nimbleness.

When Mentezufis heard what the Greeks had in mind he did not hesitate a moment to surrender the body of Patrokles. "The Greeks are right," said the holy man, "in thinking that we have power to torment the shade of Patrokles, but they are fools to suppose that any priest of Chaldea or Egypt would permit such a crime.

But Herhor was indifferent, Patrokles impatient, and Nitager now and then disturbed with his deep voice the solemn silence. After every such impolite sound from the old leader, the courtiers moved, like frightened sheep, and looked at one another, as if saying, "This rustic has been hunting barbarians all his life, we may pardon him."