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Though I think it not at all improbable that the Marsh Warbler, Acrocephalus palustris, may occur in Guernsey, I should not expect to find it so much in the wet reed-beds in the Grand Mare and at the Vale pond as amongst the lilac bushes and ornamental shrubs in the gardens, or in thick bramble bushes in hedgerows and places of that sort. SEDGE WARBLER. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Linnaeus.

We often see him perched upon a dead tree that stands in the water, a few rods from the shore, apparently watching our angling operations from his leafless perch, where he sings so sweetly, that the very desolation of the scene borrows a charm from his voice that renders every object delightful. This bird I believe to be the Fringilla palustris of Wilson.

GRIM-THE-COLLIER. This is an old inhabitant of our gardens, and affords a pleasing variety. HOTTONIA palustris. WATER VIOLET. This is a plant of singular beauty in spring; it is an aquatic, and makes a fine appearance in our ponds in the time of its bloom. IBERIS amara. CANDYTUFT. An annual flower of considerable beauty and interest. We have several varieties of this sold in the seed-shops.

Among the Turtles is Emys picta, Chelonura serpentina, and Cistuda clausa. Of the Frogs, we have Rana sylvatica, Rana palustris, and Rana pipiens, nearly two feet long, and loud-voiced in proportion, a Bull-Frog, indeed! Various theories and speculations have been formed as to the origin of the prairies.

By tapping this tree it yields a liquor not unlike that of the birch-tree, from which the Americans make a sugar, and the Highlanders sometimes an agreeable and wholesome wine. Lightfoot's Fl. Scot. MARSH MARIGOLD. Caltha palustris. The flower-buds, before opening, are picked, and are considered a good substitute for capers. MEADOW-SWEET. Spiraea Filipendula.

You promptly called it a marsh rabbit!" "Lepus palustris" she nodded, delighted. "By all means," he retorted, pretending offensive scepticism, "but why a marsh rabbit?" "Because, monsieur, its tail was brown, not white. Didn't you notice that?" "Oh, it's all very well for you to talk that way, but I've another grievance.

These plants very frequently occur in meadow-land, and have property of giving a strong garlick flavour to the milk yielded by cows that feed there; and which is often also communicated to the butter. DARNELL GRASS. Lolium temulentum. This grass has the faculty of causing poultry or birds to become intoxicated, and so much so that it causes their death. LOUSEWORT. Pedicularis palustris.

As to the goat, it has remained nearly constant and true to its pristine form, and the small race of goat-horned sheep still lingers in some alpine valleys in the Upper Rhine; and in the same region a race of pigs, corresponding to the domesticated variety of Sus scrofa palustris, may still be seen.

I examined the deposits at Hoxne in 1860, when I had the advantage of being accompanied by the Reverend J. Gunn and the Reverend S.W. King. With it, but much more rare, were Limnaea palustris, Planorbis albus, P. Spirorbis, Succinea putris, Bithynia tentaculata, Cyclas cornea; and Mr. Prestwich mentions Cyclas amnica and fragments of a Unio, besides several land shells.

But he never dreamed that even the tiniest of his little favorites bore, in the scientific world, far away from that quiet mountain nest, such names as Troglodytes hyemalis or Melospiza palustris.