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Harkins, the chairs were discovered in a store-house, or paint-shop, where they had been put when they lauded on the wharf so long ago. Two days later these chairs had been taken out and placed in the wards, and there were two hundred women eager for the six comfortable rockers. "Another criticism which might be made is that the paupers are provided with no regular religious service.

You can 'ave a pair of paperhanger's tressels and boards for that matter. 'I have a lot of sketches and things at home that I couldn't very well bring here, said Owen. Misery argued about it for a long time, insisting that the drawings should be made either on the 'job' or at the paint-shop down at the yard.

The paint-shop had given him no work to do for ten days, and he had been forced to get along in some way upon the interest of his bonds that is to say, upon five dollars and seventy-five cents a week. Two dollars and seventy-five cents of this went for his room rent, one dollar and ninety for his shoes, and Tuesday afternoon he had bought a package of cigarettes for ten cents.

It was on the central figure of this intended work of art that Johnny was expending the most of his labors, and to those who were watching him it appeared something like an eccentric rainbow, or the interior of a paint-shop, until Master Jones printed under it, to avoid any possibility of mistake, "WiLD iNGuN," and then all could see the resemblance at once.

Every steamer, especially those engaged in making long voyages, has a paint-shop on board, more or less abundantly supplied with all necessary material. All seamen are required to do plain painting; for such a ship as the Guardian-Mother had to be kept in the nicest condition.

It was the hat which Paul wore in Mr. Chrome's paint-shop. Everybody knew it, because it was daubed and spattered with paint. Mr. Noggin went to his work. He was a well-meaning man, but shallow-brained. He knew how to make good barrels, tubs, and buckets, but had no mind of his own.

For the first few months his life had been spent in the paint-shop at the yard, a place that was something between a cellar and a stable.

And then they 'ad a look round and 'e told Sawkins to put some new panes of glass where the winder was broken, and you know that great big packing-case what was under the truck shed? 'Yes. 'Well, 'e told Sawkins to saw it up and cover over the stone floor of the paint-shop with it. It ain't 'arf all right there now.

Becker's paint-shop, an' he poured me a little red an' yaller an' blue, an' only charged me a nickel, an' throwed in a brush. Asia's painted a heap with it. I'll show you some of her things." It was not necessary, for in every direction Lucy looked her eyes were greeted with specimens of Asia's handiwork.

That first winter the boy's days were chiefly spent in the damp, evil-smelling, stone-flagged paint-shop, without even a fire to warm the clammy atmosphere. But in all this he had seen no hardship. With the unconsciousness of boyhood, he worked hard and cheerfully. As time went on, the goal of his childish ambition was reached he was sent out to work with the men!