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Later on I got some good timber mostly scraps that were given to me and made a light body for a spring-cart. Galletly, the coach-builder at Cudgeegong, had got a dozen pairs of American hickory wheels up from Sydney, for light spring-carts, and he let me have a pair for cost price and carriage. I got him to iron the cart, and he put it through the paint-shop for nothing.

When Crass went back to the paint-shop he found there one of the pillows which had fallen out of the bundle during the struggle. He took it home with him that evening and slept upon it. It was a fine pillow, much fuller and softer and more cosy than the one he had been accustomed to.

The Cricketers was only a few minutes walk from the shop and at pay-time a number of the men used to go in there to take a drink before going home. 'Last Thursday night about five o'clock, 'Unter comes inter the paint-shop an' ses to me, "I wants a pail o' wash made up tonight, Crass," 'e ses, "ready for fust thing in the mornin'," 'e ses.

There is a small general store in Rabbit Hash, with postoffice and paint-shop attachment, and near by a tobacco warehouse and a blacksmith shop, with a few cottages scattered at intervals over the bottom.

It has been many things since it became secularized: a painter's academy, drawing-school, military hospital, warehouse, concert-hall, and, no doubt, a score of other things. When I found it with the aid of the police it was the paint-shop and scenic storeroom of the municipal theatre.

About a month ago they were taken to the paint-shop down at the yard to be repainted and re-harnessed, and since then nothing had been heard of them by the men working at the 'Cave'. 'P'hap's a couple of us will be sent there to do 'em next week, remarked Harlow. 'P'hap's so. Most likely they'll 'ave to be done in a bloody 'urry at the last minute.

How, he asked, was he to know at what hour Owen commenced or left off working, if the latter did them at home? 'I shan't charge any more time than I really work, replied Owen. 'I can't possibly do them here or at the paint-shop. I know I should only make a mess of them under such conditions. 'Well, I s'pose you'll 'ave to 'ave your own way, said Misery, dolefully.

Tintoretto said: "Colors can be bought at the paint-shop, but good designs are only obtained by sleepless nights and much reflection." It is doubtful if Cranch ever laid awake over his work, either in poetry or painting. He had a dreamy, phlegmatic disposition, which seemed to carry him through life without much effort of the will.

And here we would ask, Does not this striking exception in the present argument cast back, as it were, a confirmatory reflection? We have often thought, that the power of the mere form could not be more strongly exemplified than at a common paint-shop.

Forrest saw, saluted, rode on, and, a hundred feet away, paused and scribbled a memorandum in the notebook he drew from his hip-pocket. He passed other shops a paint-shop, a wagon-shop, a plumbing shop, a carpenter-shop. While he glanced at the last, a hybrid machine, half- auto, half-truck, passed him at speed and took the main road for the railroad station eight miles away.