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In this respect nothing could be more widely separated than his conduct and that of the three priests of the Jama Masjid in Delhi, who, discovering us on the wall, just before the Friday service began, held up the service for several minutes while they explained their schedule of gratuities beginning with ten rupees for the High Priest and this after we had already provided for the attendant who had supplied the overshoes and had led us to the point of vantage!

"The plotters are in prison for long terms, and Mr. Damon is found, together with his fortune. The photo telephone did it, Tom." "Not all of it but a good bit," admitted the young inventor, with a smile. "What are you going to do next, Tom?" "I hardly know. I think " Before Tom could finish, a voice was heard in the hall outside the library. "Bless my overshoes! Where's Tom?

She must be told to rise early, to attend to the sweeping of the door-steps, to open the blinds, to light the fires, and to lay the breakfast-table. She must appear in a neat calico dress, white apron and cap, and wait upon the family at breakfast. After breakfast, the gentlemen will expect her to brush their hats, to bring overcoats and overshoes, and to find the umbrellas.

Some chairs, a washstand with a small looking-glass over it, a trunk with clothes, a clock on the wall, and two ikons this was the entire outfit of the household. Pavel tried to live like the rest. He did all a young lad should do bought himself an accordion, a shirt with a starched front, a loud-colored necktie, overshoes, and a cane. Externally he became like all the other youths of his age.

She looked at the clock and saw it was already half-past ten, and then stealing softly to the bedside where Fanny lay quietly sleeping, she bent down and assured herself that her sister really was unconscious of her movements. She then hastily threw on her overshoes, cloak and hood and stealing noiselessly down the stairs, was soon in the open air alone in the darkness of the night.

He was in front of the fire, with his back to it, and she was near the door. "Of course it isn't my affair," he was saying. "You are perfectly " Then I opened the door and he stopped. I went on into the pantry to take off my overshoes, and as I closed the door he continued. "I didn't mean to say what I have. I meant to explain about the other night I had a right to do that.

Often men receive credit for showing coolness and courage in times of danger when, in reality, they are not properly aware of the danger and through habit are acting automatically. The girl in Chicago who went back into the Iroquois Theatre fire to rescue her rubber overshoes was not a heroine. She merely lacked imagination.

Then, after airing the house to rid it of the fumes from Iroquois Annie's intemperate griddle and carrying Dinkie's muddied overshoes back to the kitchen and lighting the Chinese hall-lamp, I went to the bottom of the stairs to call my husband down to supper. But still again that wordless feeling of something amiss prompted me to hesitate.

Her husband and Elsie went into Boston and selected a rich and warm fur coat, fur-lined gloves and overshoes, and three warm, dark-colored serge dresses which were a great improvement upon the wrappers. On the day after she received them, Mrs. Middleton spent two hours on the porch with ill-concealed delight.

Evringham evoked no reply from his housekeeper. He felt the weight of her disapproval. "But get the overshoes by all means, as soon as convenient," he made haste to add. "Ring for Zeke, if you please, Mrs. Forbes. I must be off." The housekeeper warned Jewel not to run out of doors that morning as she wished to accompany her to the shoe store.