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Tisquantum thought on that hour of anguish, when his duties as a chief and a warrior had forbidden all expression of his grief; and he thought of his return to his lodge, where only Oriana remained to welcome him for the mother of his children, whom he had loved with unusual affection, was dead and tears gathered in the Sachem's eyes.

But quickly the whole sad reality of his situation came over him, and he felt that he must nerve himself for the coming trial. Soon he followed Oriana to her inner room, where a slight Indian repast of maize and fruits had been prepared by the young Squaw-Sachem and her attendants. Tisquantum had left the lodge, and was now occupied in preparing a spot for the exercise of the white boy's skill.

With some difficulty, Henrich prevailed on the Sachem to permit his daughter to forego the native custom of cutting off her hair on the day of her marriage, and wearing an uncouth head-dress until it grew again; but at length he was successful, on the plea that Oriana, being a Christian, and about to unite herself to a Christian also, could not be bound to observe the superstitious and barbarous ceremonies of her race.

Then he had glanced towards the door, and had seen the saddened expression that clouded the open features of the Christian youth, and the look of anguish that Oriana cast on her degraded father; and then all the truths that Henrich had endeavored so simply and so patiently to impress upon his mind all the arguments that his white friend had employed to win him from heathen darkness, and guide him into Divine truth rushed at once upon his memory.

When, therefore, he heard Henrich endeavoring to inculcate the worship of Jesus, as the Son of God, on Oriana and Jyanough, he not unnaturally regarded him as a believer in all the deities whose images he had seen associated with that of Jesus, and receiving equal homage.

It came to her that he had gone, that she would never see him again. And in that moment she knew just how much she wanted to see him: and in that moment she saw him. A boatload of men was zigzagging towards the Oriana with snatches of loud song, laughter and occasional shouts. It was impossible to distinguish faces until the boat came within range of the vessel's arc lamps.

Beverly and those who came with him must have changed their course to pursue the fleeing Rawbon. "Lead her out softly, Harold," murmured Arthur, without changing a muscle or altering his gaze. But the agony of suspense had been too great Oriana, with a convulsive shudder, swooned and hung like a corpse upon Harold's arm.

"Yes, I does, Miss Orany;" and the little fellow struck out silently for the shore, and crept among the bushes. Oriana betrayed no sign, of fear as she stood with her two companions on the bank a few paces from their captors. The latter, in a low but earnest tone, were disputing with one who seemed to act as their leader.

And Oriana who was seated on the ground by her father's bedside, in an attitude of deep and silent sorrow sprang to her feet with a cry of joy, and throwing herself into her husband's arms, burst into a flood of long-suppressed tears. 'You are come at lest, she exclaimed. 'You are come in time to see my father die, and to receive his blessing.

When he is with me every minute and I can look after him as if he is my little baby, he won't be able to do it. I'll be a gaoler to him I'll be his providence, his mother, his nurse, his doctor. Oh everything I'll be what God was to father." Down on Circular Quay she felt she could not go aboard the Oriana yet.