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"Is there anything else I ought to know about him?" her employer asked, and Arabella thought for a moment. "There is the story of Hercules not showing the golden bow. Er it is a little complicated and has to do with the superstitions of the ancients er something Egyptian, I think, for the moment I will look it up to-morrow. I can't say offhand." "Thanks, Arabella. Good night."

"Who's coming?" he demanded with natural surprise. Colina, busying herself attentively with the centerpiece of painter's brush, wondered if her father had met Ambrose Doane. She gave him a brief, offhand account of her adventure without mentioning their guest's name. "But who is it?" he asked. She answered a little breathlessly; "Ambrose Doane of Moultrie." Gaviller's face changed slightly.

"Oh, I sent it to the papers," said Mrs. Archie, in an offhand way. "I wonder who did the writing up," I said. "They would do that in the office, wouldn't they?" said Mrs. Archie. "I suppose they would," I said. "They are wonders at that sort of thing."

"Why," he answered, "I don't know that it is. But your folk would pay no ransom, and it would seem foolish if I had let you go offhand. Not but what your folk have not proved their wisdom, for they have got rid of us pretty cheaply. Odin! how they swarmed on us!" "Ay," growled Thrond.

To the press, the nonchalant, offhand manner with which the sighting was written off by the Air Force public relations officer showed great confidence in the conclusion, Venus, but behind the barbed-wire fence that encircled ATIC the nonchalant attitude didn't exist among the intelligence analysts. One man had already left for Louisville and the rest were doing some tall speculating.

A sudden idea came to him as he passed a Chinese laundry in which lights still burned and irons still thumped on an ironing board. It was an audacious one, but it pointed toward deliverance. His plan was to enter the laundry and pass over his parcel, as though it were his week's washing. He would be gone before they had discovered its contents. He merely needed to be offhand and nonchalant.

Then the hunter, despising a "rest" for his rifle, stood up and took offhand aim at the limb and sent a bullet into it immediately under the squirrel's nose, and down tumbled the animal, unwounded, but unconscious; the dogs gave him a shake and he was dead.

"Oh, Elrigmore!" said the Marquis, in an offhand jovial and equal way; "I thought you would like to meet my cousin here M'Iver of the Barbreck; something of a soldier like yourself, who has seen service in Lowland wars." "In the Scots Brigade, sir?" I asked M'lver, eyeing him with greater interest than ever.

We thanked her for that kind saying, but she made light of it, saying that almost did she hope that we should find no work, that we might bide and lighten her loneliness for a time. "But if an old woman's advice is good for aught, you shall not go to the court first of all. Sour is King Alsi, and he is likely to turn you away offhand rather than grant the smallest boon.

But just as he was about to go, he himself received a cablegram." "Well, now that I am here," said Miss Burns in her sprightly way, "I shall not allow myself to be turned down in such an offhand manner. I don't intend to visit Rome without seeing the Pope."