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Koenigsmark, with his flying corps, advanced towards Bohemia, where Ernest Odowalsky, a disbanded captain, who, after being disabled in the imperial service, had been dismissed without a pension, laid before him a plan for surprising the lesser side of the city of Prague.

Koenigsmark, with his flying corps, advanced towards Bohemia, where Ernest Odowalsky, a disbanded captain, who, after being disabled in the imperial service, had been dismissed without a pension, laid before him a plan for surprising the lesser side of the city of Prague.

It was late in the evening of the fifteenth of June. He had Odowalsky at his side, and seemed to be particularly good friends with him. But the troop knew nothing of the General's designs, and, as they saw that he went towards Prague, his officers were astounded, for the town was well fortified, and defended by a strong body of armed citizens.

Koenigsmark, with his flying corps, advanced towards Bohemia, where Ernest Odowalsky, a disbanded captain, who, after being disabled in the imperial service, had been dismissed without a pension, laid before him a plan for surprising the lesser side of the city of Prague.

Sooner or later must the state be wrecked, Where numbers sway and ignorance decides. ODOWALSKY. Hark to the traitor! DEPUTIES. Hew him into shreds! Down with him! Peace, peace Shall native blood be in the Diet shed? Through this side door remove him quietly, Or the wild mob will tear him limb from limb!

That did you not; for I, I am that Czar. In me is Moscow's majesty; I am The son of Ivan, and his rightful heir. Would the Poles treat with Russia for a peace, Then must they treat with me! Your compact's null, As being made with one whose's title's null. ODOWALSKY. What reck we of your treaty? So we willed When it was made our wills are changed to-day. SAPIEHA. Is it, then, come to this?

When I, as Czar, Set foot within the Kremlin, then, I swear, The poorest of you all, that follows me, Shall robe himself in velvet and in sables; With costly pearls his housings shall he deck, And silver be the metal of least worth, That he shall shoe his horses' hoofs withal. ODOWALSKY. How! shall we leave the Cossack to despoil us At once of glory and of booty both?

First Lieutenant, and then let us see what you are good for." Odowalsky received a horse, and the General bade him ride beside him. He talked confidentially with him the whole night till they again rejoined the main body of the army. Some days later Konigsmarck stood with his little troop on the White Mountain left of Prague "Golden Prague," as it was called.

Odowalsky received six thousand thalers for his trouble, and later on was raised to the Swedish House of Peers with the title of "Von Streitberg." But the right bank had not been captured. It was defended by ten thousand citizens, assisted by students, monks, and Jews.

He persecutes the monks because he suffered severely under them. Moreover, he is not exempt from despotic caprices in the moments of offended pride. Odowalsky knows how to make himself at all times indispensable to him, removes the Russians to a distance, and maintains his overruling influence. DEMETRIUS meditates inconstancy to Marina.