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Ochsner recommends the withdrawal of all food by mouth, washing out the stomach, leeches to be applied on the abdomen over the inflammation to relieve pain, rectal feeding, and operation in every case after the acute attack is over.

"Beta has one of the highest civilizations in the Brotherhood!" "But you don't have Lani," she said patiently. "So you must be primitive." "Halstead, Fleming, and Ochsner!" Kennon swore. "Do you believe that?" "Naturally, isn't it obvious? You can't possibly be civilized unless you take responsibility for intelligent life other than your own race.

In regard to surgery for this disease I shall quote from Ochsner: "Personally, I can only second the statement made by one of the most experienced men in this country in the surgical treatment of appendicitis, that there are thousands of surgeons who are otherwise competent, i. e., competent to perform the ordinary surgical and gynecological operations, whom he would not think of permitting to open his abdomen in case he personally suffered from an attack of appendicitis.

This is a small matter, and of no special consequence, yet it carries a meaning. Previous to 1890 the most popular treatment was probably the giving of opium; although this was far from ideal, "it had the advantage of taking away the patient's appetite, relieving pain, and putting the bowels to rest." Ochsner.

"Ochsner! what sort of a ship is that?" Ground Control's startled voice came over the annunciator. "It's an old one," Kennon said. "That's a gross understatement. Stand by for boarders. Ambulance coming up." Kennon opened the airlock and two radiation-suited men entered.

As the train pulled in at the Chippewa Junction, just before reaching the town proper, there was old Bart Ochsner ringing the bell for dinner at the Junction eating house. Well, for the love of Mike! Wouldn't that make you laugh. Ringing that bell, just like always, as if nothing had happened in the last year! Buzz leaned against the window, to see.

And all dressed up in antiradiation suits. This is interesting. Just what are you doing up here on the mountain so late at night prospecting?" "You might call it that," Kennon said. His body sagged with relief. Douglas thank Ochsner it was Douglas! He was running true to form talking when he should have been shooting. Douglas jerked his head toward Copper, standing a few feet to his left.

The micro-organisms are present wherever there is life and are as necessary to life as they are to death. Ochsner states that in nearly all instances the disease can be traced to the common colon bacillus, which is always present when the intestine is normal.

Real anesthetist! Ochsner hasn't got a better one! Class, eh? . . . Now, now, Adolph, take it easy. This won't hurt you a bit. Put you all nice and asleep and it won't hurt a bit. Schweig' mal! Bald schlaft man grat wie ein Kind. So! So! Bald geht's besser!"

The only trouble is that he fails to consider the work involved in setting up another operation." "You're so right. I'll have to brush up on pullorum, ornithosis, coccidosis, leukosis, perosis, and Ochsner knows how many other-osises and itises. I was never too strong on fowl practice in school, and I'd be happier if I never had anything to do with them." "So would I," Blalok agreed.