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It is for this, O virtuous one, that Sutirtha situate in Amvumati is regarded as so excellent. And, O thou best of the Bharata race, having bathed in the tirtha of Kasiswara, one becometh freed from all diseases and is adored in the abode of Brahma. There, in that tirtha, is another called Matri. One that bathes in Matri tirtha hath a large progeny and obtaineth, O king, great prosperity.

Now Haman reasoned with himself, that what opinion he should give it would be for himself, since it was he alone who was beloved by the king: so he gave that advice which he thought of all other the best; for he said, "If thou wouldst truly honor a man whom thou sayest thou dost love, give order that he may ride on horseback, with the same garment on which thou wearest, and with a gold chain about his neck, and let one of thy intimate friends go before him, and proclaim through the whole city, that whosoever the king honoreth obtaineth this mark of his honor."

And the person, male or female, that reciteth or heareth this hymn day after day, if he or she desireth for a son, obtaineth one, and if riches, obtaineth them, and if learning acquireth that too. And the person male or female, that reciteth this hymn every day in the two twilights, if overtaken by danger, is delivered from it, and if bound, is freed from the bonds.

That tirtha cleanseth from every sin, and it is there that the gods including Brahma worship Maheswara. Having bathed there and worshipped Rudra surrounded by the other gods, one is freed from all sins since birth. It was there, O best of men, that Drimi was adored by all the gods. Bathing there, O best of men, one obtaineth the fruit of the horse-sacrifice.

Proceeding then to the tirtha of Krittika and Magha, one, O Bharata, obtaineth the merit superior to that of the Agnishtoma and Atiratha sacrifices. The man who, repairing to the excellent tirtha called Vidya, batheth there in the evening, obtaineth proficiency in every kind of knowledge. One should next reside for one night at Mahasrama capable of destroying every sin, taking a single meal.

Proceeding next to Brahmayoni in purity of body and with subdued soul, one obtaineth, O tiger among men, by bathing there, the abode of Brahma, and sanctifieth, without doubt, his own race to the seventh generation up and down. One should next proceed, O king, to the tirtha celebrated over the three worlds, which is called Prithudaka, belonging to Kartikeya.

By touching the waters of Stana-Kunda, a person obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. Bathing in that tirtha and worshipping the gods and Pitris, one acquireth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and also ascendeth to the region of Indra. Arriving next at the well of Tamraruna, that is frequented by the gods, one acquireth, O lord of men, the merit that attaches to human sacrifice.

By bathing in the lake of Deva, with purity and restrained mind, one obtaineth the merit of the-horse-sacrifice, and also attaineth to the highest success." Proceeding next to the mountain Rishabha in Pandya, worshipped by the gods, one obtains the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and rejoices in heaven. One should next proceed to the river Kaveri, frequented by Apsaras.

It was thus that the lakes of the illustrious Rama of the Bhrigu race became sacred. Leading a Brahmacharya mode of life and observing sacred vows, one should bathe in the lakes of Rama. Bathing therein and worshipping Rama, one obtaineth, O king, the merit of gift of gold in abundance.

Bathing there one obtaineth the merit of Rajasuya sacrifice. By bathing in Ekahansa, a man obtaineth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. One should next proceed to Munjavata, that spot sacred to the illustrious Sthanu. Residing there without food for one night, one obtaineth the status called Ganapatya. There, O king, is the celebrated tirtha called Yakshini.