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Who can doubt the innate charm of rhyme who has seen the blue river repeat the blue o'erhead; who has been ravished by the visible consonance of the tree growing at once toward an upward and downward heaven on the edge of the twilight cove; or who has watched how, as the kingfisher flitted from shore to shore, his visible echo flies under him, and completes the fleeting couplet in the visionary vault below?

"Down in the street he's wobbly in his tread, He tumbles into every cellar door; That's 'cause his home is in the clouds o'erhead, Where all the little birds about him soar. Up there he works away with peaceful mind: Ah, ah. Na, na! The scaffold swings in the boisterous wind! "What it is to be giddy no mason knows: Left to himself he'd build for ever, Stone upon stone, till in Heaven, I s'pose!

If so, would you I don't like to disturb him now, when he is busy would you mind telling him that I inadvertently omitted a stanza. It runs," said Miss Milliken, closing her eyes, "'Trust no future, howe'er pleasant. Let the dead past bury its dead! Act, act in the living Present, Heart within and God o'erhead! Thank you so much. Good afternoon."

"Heart within and God o'erhead?" "No! I am sad. After being at anchor so long, to be suddenly set drifting, to be the sport of the winds of destiny, the cable chain of habit and association broken, one feels dizzy and bewildered. I never knew till now how strong the classmate bond of union is, how sacred the brotherhood, how binding the tie.

We must dance in the air to-morrow, Therefore let's be right merry to-day! A free and jovial life we've led, Ever since we began it. Beneath the tree we make our bed, We ply our task when the storm's o'erhead And deem the moon our planet. The fellow we swear by is Mercury, A capital hand at our trade is he.

In other places, where the wreck lies close to the land, and the lifeboats are comparatively light, services are performed with oars, but not to the Goodwin Sands, which have to be reached under sail, and from which the lifeboats have to get home by sail, often against a gale off shore, eight miles to windward with no steam-tug to help them, but by their own unaided skill, 'heart within and God o'erhead.

He took the morning paper then, which reeked with thrilling things, with tales of fighting modern men; the strife of money kings; the eager, busy, human streams throughout this mundane hive; the struggle of the baseball teams, which for the pennant strive; the polar hero and his sled; the race of motor cars; the flight of aernauts o'erhead, outlined against the stars.

Hall was unanimously chosen for their Captain; all his excuses were overruled, and, in order to encourage his countrymen to act rather than to talk, he accepted the command. "Heart within, and God o'erhead." During this tour of service two of his men were taken prisoners.

"O there is a heap of chestnuts, see! Cried the youngest of the train; For they came to a stone where the squirrel had thrown What he meant to pick up again. "And two bright eyes from the tree o'erhead, Looked down at the open bag Where the nuts went in and so to begin, Almost made his courage flag.

"'At last mine eyes could see a woman fair, But awful as this round white moon o'erhead, So that I trembled when I saw her there, For with my life was born some touch of dread, And therewithal I heard her voice that said, "Come down and learn to love and be alive, For thee, a well-prized gift, today I give."" Dryope and Iole were sisters.