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The scene of the meeting between Dale and Colton was in the rear room of the City Hotel. "Look here," said Dale. "This deal can't be no whizzer like you run in on Sanderson. He's got to be dropped, or things are goin' to happen to all of us. His name's Nyland Ben Nyland. You know him?" Colton nodded. "Plenty. He's a fast man with a gun.

The remainder of Finland consists of Finland proper and Nyland on the south and south-western coasts, and as these comprise not only the capital, but also the large towns of Abo and Viborg, they may be regarded as the most important, politically, commercially, and socially, in the country. Here lakes are still numerous, but insignificant in size compared with those of the interior.

He had visited the cabin before, but never had he felt about it as he felt at this moment. There had always been the presence of Ben Nyland to dampen the romantic thoughts that had beset him for there had been a time when if Peggy Nyland had been willing he would have married her. That time had passed. Dale grinned wickedly as he dismounted and walked forward.

It had not been a responsibility, really, for Nyland worshiped his sister, and it had been his eagerness to champion her that had made an enemy of Alva Dale. He hated Dale, but not more than he hated Maison and Silverthorn for the part they were playing and had played in trying to rob him of his land.

Ben Nyland had gone to Lazette to attend to some business that had demanded his attention. He had delayed going until he could delay no longer. "I hate like blazes to go away an' leave you alone, here to face that beast, Dale, if he comes sneakin' around. But I reckon I've just got to go I can't put it off any longer.

When he reached the clearing through which Dale had come on the night he had visited the Nyland cabin, he looked furtively around, for the dire foreboding that had gripped him for hours had grown suddenly stronger. He halted his horse and sat motionless in the saddle, intently examining every object within view.

At any rate, I don't want any hanging over a few cattle. I want you to let Ben Nyland go." Dale wheeled and faced Miss Bransford. His face reddened angrily, but he managed to smile. "It's too late, Miss Bransford. The evidence is all in. There's got to be rules to govern such cases as this. Because you own the steers is no sign you've got a right to defeat the aims of justice.

"For what he done to Peggy damn him! He sneaked into the house an' hurt her head, draggin' her to Okar to Maison's. I've killed Maison, an' I'll kill him!" "He ain't here, then Dale ain't?" demanded Sanderson. "They ain't nobody here," gruffly announced Nyland. "They've been here, an' gone. Dale, most likely. The house looks like a twister had struck it!"

This is one of the times when the law don't see anything and don't want to see anything. I won't touch Nyland for killing Maison, and I won't lay a finger on Sanderson if he shoots the gizzard out of you. There's a train out of here in fifteen minutes. I give you your chance take the train or take your chance with Sanderson!" "I'll take the train," declared Silverthorn.

Grinning coldly, Nyland moved to the corner of the house nearest the kitchen door. The man stepped out of the door, and at the instant Nyland saw him he was looking toward the rear of the house. Nyland laughed aloud, derisively. He did not want to shoot the man in the back. At Nyland's laugh the man wheeled, snapping a shot from his hip.