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The silence within the cabin was as deep as it had been just an instant before the exchange of shots. There was a window in the rear wall of the cabin a kitchen window. There was another on the opposite side the dining-room. There was a front door and two windows on the side Nyland was on. Two courses were open for Nyland.

In Sanderson's mind was a picture of Dale's face of the stark, naked astonishment that would be on it when he discovered that it was Sanderson and not Nyland who had caught him. For Sanderson would catch him he was convinced of that. The conviction became strengthened when, after half an hour's run, Streak had pulled up on Dale.

He had meant to hang Nyland, take possession of his property, and force Peggy to accept whatever conditions he cared to impose upon her. The unlooked-for appearance of Mary Bransford's brother had disturbed his plans. As a matter of fact, the coming of Bill Bransford would make it necessary for Dale to make entirely new plans. Dale was puzzled.

His voice was expressionless. "So that lead has petered out." He puffed slowly at his cigar, studying Dale's face, while the latter related what had occurred. "So Nyland is still at large, eh?" he remarked, when Dale had finished. "Why not set a gunman on him?" Dale scowled. "There ain't a gunman in this section that would take a chance on Nyland he's lightning!" Dale cursed.

He was thinking of the Bransfords now and Sanderson. He had put a wolf on Sanderson's trail he and Silverthorn; and Sanderson would soon cease to bother him. He chuckled again; and he sat in the chair at the desk, hugely enjoying himself until the cigar was finished. Then he got up, locked the doors, and went upstairs. Peggy Nyland had not recovered consciousness.

He thought of riding to Nyland's ranch, but he gave up that idea when he reasoned that perhaps Colton had failed, and in that case Nyland wouldn't be the most gentle person in the world to face on his own property. If Colton had succeeded he would find him, in Okar. So he mounted his horse and rode to Okar. The town seemed to be deserted when he dismounted in front of the City Hotel.

She sat on a chair in the kitchen of the Nyland cabin, listening to Peggy, but making no replies. And it was not until she was ready to go that Mary revealed the real reason for her visit and then she did not reveal it to Peggy, but to her own heart.