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The defence of Verdun through the bitter months of February and March by General Pétain, a defence which is now under the immediate control of his able lieutenants, General Nivelle and General Dubois, has earned the respect and admiration of the whole world.

His papers identified him; the operator gave him his connection; they switched him to the headquarters of his air squadron, where he made his report. "Shot down?" came the sharp exclamation over the wire. "Yes, sir, about eleven-thirty this morning on the north edge of Nivelle forest." "The machine?" "Done for, sir. They have it." "You?" "A scratch nothing. I had to run."

At the head of forces always numerically far inferior to the armies with which Napoleon deluged the Peninsula; thwarted by jealous and incompetent allies; ill-supported by friends, and assailed by factious enemies at home; Wellington maintained the war for several years, unstained by any serious reverse, and marked by victory in thirteen pitched battles, at Vimiera, the Douro, Talavera, Busaco, Fuentes d'Onore, Salamanca, Vittoria, the Pyrenees, the Bidassoa, the Nive, the Nivelle, Orthes, and Toulouse.

Of all contingencies he had thought or so it seemed to him. He could not recollect any precaution neglected. He had come to Sainte Lesse for a clearly defined object and to make certain reports concerning matters of interest to the German military authorities north of Nivelle. The idea, inspired by the experiments of Henri Fabre, was original with him.

The men of the French Army have named their red wine "pinard," just as they call water "la flotte," always, however, being careful to add that "la flotte" is excellent "for washing one's feet." As we passed through the Headquarters of General Nivelle, he sent down word to us not to wait to call on him then, but to proceed at once to Verdun as later the passage would become more difficult.

The council could not be brought together for a year, but on the 1st of May, 821, Hiltrude inaugurated her "Concile de Femmes." She took advantage of the marriage of Count d'Albion with Regina, which was to take place at the abbey. Regina was a chanoinesse, and it was the custom when a member of the circle at the abbey married, that the marriage should be solemnized at Nivelle.

There was a more satisfactory proportion of gains to losses in the more limited operations which characterized Pétain's substitution for Nivelle as French commander-in-chief. After Nivelle's comprehensive disappointment on the Chemin des Dames and Moronvillers heights in April, Pétain restricted the field of his attacks and took ample time to prepare them.

'Our glorious victory on the Nivelle'! 'Lord Wellington, God bless him! and may victory ever attend upon his arms! and, 'Soult, poor devil! and may he catch it again to the same tune! Never was oratory more applauded to the echo never any one was more of the popular man than I. I promise you, we made a night of it.

His cream-coloured, wall-eyed mule was saddled and waiting when he arrived; he stuffed his papers into the breast of his tunic and climbed into the saddle. "Allongs!" he exclaimed. "Hoop!" Half way to Nivelle, on an overgrown, bushy, circuitous path which was the only road open between Nivelle and Sainte Lesse, he overtook Maryette, driving her donkey and ancient market cart.

Neither Haig nor Pétain had much faith in the possibility of the plan, but Nivelle had persuaded Ribot's Ministry, which had succeeded Briand's in March, and French expectations were raised to a giddy height.