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I heard Professor Newland's sharply indrawn breath, and saw Beth's dear face suddenly whiten. "I'm going there to fight it out with them. I may come back; I may not. But if I am successful, they never will which is all that matters. "Miela's mother gave her up to come down here and help us. It is a little thing to go back there to help us, also.

By this time Colonel Hatch and Colonel Albert L. Lee had mounted two battalions each, and I moved them out at a lively pace in pursuit, followed by a section of the battery. No halt was called till we came upon the enemy's main body, under Colonel Faulkner, drawn up in line of battle near Newland's store.

"I'm afraid," she said, while Newland's spirit filled with a bitterness extraordinary even in an interrupted poet; "I'm afraid it's Mr. Dill coming up the walk. We'll have to postpone " She rose and went to the steps to greet the approaching guest. "How nice of you to come!" Noble, remaining on the lowest step, clung to her hand in a fever. "Nice to come!" he said hoarsely.

He saw this white rectangle on the little Florida island as a miniature of that which had brought the invaders of Wyoming from space. And then this girl Fear for an instant supplanted amazement in Alan Newland's heart. He looked around. He could see back into the trees plainly, almost across the island. He stood up in the boat. There seemed no one else in sight.

Newland's statement became quite celebrated throughout the family: and Julia, who had perceived almost a sacred something in his original fervour, changed her mind after hearing the words musingly repeated, over and over, by her fat old Uncle Joe. Florence thought proper to remind her of this to-day, after Julia's protest containing the too moderately confessional word "three."

He did not want her vivid red wings to be seen by any one as they passed down the bayou. Finally they started off. Professor Newland's home was some three miles from the village of Bay Head, on the shore of a large bay which opened into the Gulf of Mexico. The bayou down which they were heading flowed into this bay near where the house stood.

"Newland never seems to look ahead," Mrs. Welland once ventured to complain to her daughter; and May answered serenely: "No; but you see it doesn't matter, because when there's nothing particular to do he reads a book." "Ah, yes like his father!" Mrs. Welland agreed, as if allowing for an inherited oddity; and after that the question of Newland's unemployment was tacitly dropped.

"It's not that I don't approve of the Mingotts' esprit de corps; but why Newland's engagement should be mixed up with that Olenska woman's comings and goings I don't see," Mrs. Archer grumbled to Janey, the only witness of her slight lapses from perfect sweetness. She had behaved beautifully and in beautiful behaviour she was unsurpassed during the call on Mrs.

Some scientific men rallied to Professor Newland's support; others scouted the idea as absurd. Officially, the governments of the world ignored the matter entirely. In general, the press, editorially, wrote in a humorous vein, conjuring up many ridiculous possibilities of what was about to happen. The public followed this lead.

There Professor Newland's assistant, Professor Brighton, stated he had again observed a new "star" an interplanetary vehicle, as Professor Newland described it. Only a single one had been observed this time. It was seen just before dawn of the 9th.