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To these might be added many an obscurer name, preserved in the quaint epitaphs of the "Magnalia": Blackman, "in spite of his name, a Nazarene whiter than snow"; Partridge, "a hunted partridge," yet "both a dove and an eagle"; Ezekiel Rogers, "a tree of knowledge, whose apples the very children might pluck"; Nathaniel Rogers, "a very lively preacher and a very preaching liver, he loved his church as if it had been his family and he taught his family as if it had been his church"; Warham, the first who preached with notes, and who suffered agonies of doubt respecting the Lord's Supper; Stone, "both a loadstone and a flint stone," and who set the self-sacrificing example of preaching only one hour.

'Is he thy son said a brawny fellow to the right of the Nazarene; 'he has fought well: let us see how he does by-and-by. Hark! he is to fight the first victor. Now, old boy, pray the gods that that victor be neither of the Romans! nor, next to them, the giant Niger. The old man sat down again and covered his face. The fray for the moment was indifferent to him Lydon was not one of the combatants.

He conquered his desire sufficiently to put the threat into blood- curdling Arabic, and the Somali whined that he was a poor man, who only obeyed orders, but, if the god-like Nazarene would spare his life, he was ready to tell all he knew. "Speak, then, and quickly," growled Abdullah, "for the Effendi understands thee not, and he may lose patience."

The domineering, self-assertive, so-called master-morality of Nietzsche, itself akin in some respects to Bushido, is, if I am not greatly mistaken, a passing phase or temporary reaction against what he terms, by morbid distortion, the humble, self-denying slave-morality of the Nazarene. Lesser systems of morals will ally themselves on either side for their preservation.

I belonged at the time to the Baptist Church; the colored woman, whose two sons I received into my school, was a member of the same church; three boys, whose parents were my brothers and sisters in the faith, were withdrawn, and the minister who had baptized us all, and declared us to be one in the name of the humble Nazarene, also withdrew his son from my school, being unwilling to have him recite in the class with these two boys, whose skin was almost as white as his own.

"Take it," he said, smiling; "the eye of the stranger would have shunned you before, now it shall not offend you." The act exposed a sword belted to his side. "Is it a time of war?" asked the mother, anxiously. "No." "Why, then, are you armed?" "It may be necessary to defend the Nazarene." Thus Ben-Hur evaded the whole truth. "Has he enemies? Who are they?"

'Alas! began Apaecides, when he caught the gaze of the curious loiterers, inquisitive to know what could possibly be the theme of conversation between a reputed Nazarene and a priest of Isis. He stopped short, and then added in a low tone: 'We cannot converse here, I will follow thee to the banks of the river; there is a walk which at this time is usually deserted and solitary.

The Jesus of Michael Angelo's "Last Judgment" is a terrifying figure without a trace of the lowly Nazarene about Him, and yet this was the Jesus of the conventional Christianity of the time. It was through this dehumanising of Jesus in Christian thought and experience that Mariolatry arose in the Roman church.

"This is he, the new King of the Jews," said one of them. The others cried, with laughter, "Hail, all hail, King of the Jews!" Receiving no reply, they went closer. "If thou be King of the Jews, or Son of God, come down," they said, loudly. At this, one of the thieves quit groaning, and called to the Nazarene, "Yes, if thou be Christ, save thyself and us."

No one paid any attention to him. Simon’s indignation increased. Of the thirty-nine Abhôth he quoted twelve; he showed that the Nazarene had violated each one of these prohibitions against labor; he showed, too, that by his subsequent speech and bearing he had practically scoffed at the Toldôth, at the synagogue which had drawn it up as well.